Saturday, June 12, 2010

It’s a small world!


We've been spending a lot of time at ball fields lately, cheering on the grandkids.  And that is exactly where we were last night.  At a ball game.

Jim is one of those guys who knows everyone, and everyone seems to know him.  So it is not at all unusual for him to disappear to visit with others.  And that is exactly what he was doing every time I turned around.  I finally shook my head and said to Travis, "There he goes again.  I wonder who he's visiting with now".  The next thing I knew, he was motioning for me to come over. 

Then it hit me.  He was visiting with Osage Bluff Quilter and her hubby, Osage Bluff Blacksmith  Patti and I have been following each other’s blogs for some time.  They just happened to be there for a ball game with their grandkids! 

It was like we had known each other forever.  And in a way, we did.  It turns out Patti and I grew up only a few miles from each other.  We are the same age and knew many of the same people.  The conversation was fast and furious.  I can't wait to visit with them, letting the guys do the guy things, while we tackle a serging job facing her.  What a wonderful new friend!

The evening happened to be one of those yucky, muggy Missouri nights.  One of those nights where makeup is useless and hair gets pulled back off the face.  And that's when she said it - "I have a camera..."  My hands immediately flew to my hair.  Oh what the heck.  I cheated and crawled behind her.  She said "no fair" but I'm not too good at listening.

patty and deanna

Here is a slide show of three of Austin, Dakota and Travis playing ball.  I’m a bad grandma and don’t have photos of the other grandkids yet.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Play Ball

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aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Great photos!! Glad you found a friend right at the ball field. Isn't blogging fun at way !!!

Anonymous said...

We're getting a lot of muggy here in Virginia too! Just had an afternoon wind and rainstorm which relieved things a bit....


betty said...

how cute to meet up with a fellow blogger like this!!! are your grandkids on the same team? (now that would really be a small world, LOL)!


AliceKay said...

Wow, was that absolutely amazing or what?? I'm glad you and Patti finally met. And yes, it is a small world. Sounds like the two of you will be spending some fun times together. That's so cool. :)

I loved the slide show. The pic I loved the best was of the little tyke pulling at the seat of his britches. Gotta love it. :)

Your mugginess has reached northeastern Pennsylvania. It feels like a sauna outside tonight.

Intense Guy said...

:) I'm just sitting here smiling so big my dimples are showin'.

I'm really glad you found and met a local bloggy friend - that is way too cool! And she is as beautiful as you are (no wonder Jim spotted her - he has a good eye for hot blondes)

That slide show is priceless. :) Your captions are so right on!

Swing Batta Batta! (this blog entry is a) Homerun!

Queenie Jeannie said...

How awesome is that???? I wish I could throw a huge party and have ALL my bloggy buddies come over! Maybe if I win the lottery...

Rita said...

That is so neat that you met a blogger friend at the game! That social hubby is good for something, eh? ;) Sounds like you all got along well, too. Nice! Nice! :):)

Toriz said...

Yep, it's a small world!

jewelzmomof4 said...

I Love the slide show Mom it was GREAT!! I actually got to meet Patti for a few moments before having to leave. She was very very nice. It was nice meeting you Patti glad you and Mom hit it off!!

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad grandma, and I love the picture of you and your friend, beautiful smiles on both of those faces, I'm so glad yall had fun, hugsss

Flat Creek Farm said...

What great pictures! Don't you just love Patti? Now I wish that *I* lived closer to your neck of the woods.. I could just happen to meet up w/ other bloggers! How fun! -Tammy