Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Will I Ever Learn Wednesday 6-23-10

From the fish stories I was told, hubby and his buddy caught many fish.  Hubby sent them home with buddy (or so he says).  That’s ok by me.  I'm just glad they had a good time.  It is so hot here that neither cooking or eating is very appealing, unless maybe it is ice cream.   I fixed loaded baked potatoes for supper.  Loaded with bacon, broccoli, butter, sour cream, cheese.  They definitely hit the spot.

Tomorrow I am leaving for Springfield, MO with a friend.  We are attending a retreat at The Mansion At Elfindale.  It is a three day retreat for cancer survivors.  I’ll have to admit that never in a million years would I have thought to sign up for this, but Dorothy wanted to go.  Dorothy is an older lady who I admire very much.  I trust we will have a wonderful time and return home renewed and refreshed.  More on that next week.

And here we go with a short Wednesday moment…


Several weeks ago I spent some time with my brother at his apartment on the East End of Jefferson City, helping him with his computer.  Having grown up in that area, I know my way around very well.  However, they have recently done a lot of road work, improving the highways, putting in an over pass, re-routing roads.  All of this because Wal Mart came to that end of the city.  Are you surprised that Wal Mart can cause such change in an otherwise quiet area?  Me neither. 
Anyway, with all of the changes, they put in a number of round-abouts.  I’m happy to report that round-abouts no longer make me shake and sweat profusely when I come to one.  I have them figured out and breeze right through them. 
Leaving brother’s apartment, I was distracted and thinking about everything else left to do in the already disappearing day.  I breezed through the first round-about that leads almost immediately into another.  I breezed right through that one too and headed down the highway.
About 15 miles later I noticed a sign pointing to a little town.  The sign said Westphalia.  I shook my head and blinked a couple of times.  Westphalia? 
I was heading the wrong direction!  Why didn’t I notice the sign to Taos?  That would have given me my first clue.  But Westphalia?  15 or more miles the wrong way on a stretch of highway that I know like the fingers I’m typing with. 
Yes, my friends, I was that distracted and befuddled.  I forgot to mention that I have no sense of direction.  But Westphalia?
I wonder if Dorothy knows what she’s getting into letting me navigate to Springfield….  At least Buggy is tripping along in good shape now.  I think I’ll let Emmy Lou (my GPS) lead the way.
Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone!


LadyStyx said...

Have a wonderful time and travel safely!

Intense Guy said...

Have a great trip Punkn!!

I suspect your friend Dorothy thinks much the same of you as you do of her...

Joy said...

I love that you have named your GPS, if/when I get one, he/she will definitely get a name!

I have a friend with a GPS in his Mercedes C300 and I fondly named her voice Cathy (because of the "C" of course!).

betty said...

that retreat sounds good; so glad you and Dorothy are going; I bet you will be refreshed and pampered during your time there!!

too cute about going the wrong way on the road; thankful you are taking Emmy Lou with you so you don't get turned around :)

I had a will I ever learn moment last week. I always put my cell phone in my pants pocket when I'm walking the dog. I got home from the walk and was getting my card case out of the van with my wallet, et al, and was looking for my cell phone. I scoured that van several times looking for it, then realized it was in my pants pocket, LOL :)

enjoy your trip!!


AliceKay said...

I hope you and Dorothy have a nice time at the retreat. The Mansion at Elfindale looks beautiful. (can you take pics?)

Yep, sure sounds like you were distracted that day.

I hope you have a safe trip to and from Springfield. Enjoy your time there.

Rural Rambler said...

Have a fun safe trip Deanna! CH and I love Springfield. We go there and eat our way through that town :) Deanna I can so see you and Buggy in those two round-abouts. I do my some of my grocery shopping there and curse those round-abouts! My Beetle has a name too, Hi Ho, and he just zips around them but the other vehicle not so much. Befuddlement. I live in a state of befuddlement :) Hope you are having fun!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hope you both have a fantastic time! I'm sure all the stories will be heart-warming!

Rita said...

I have no sense of direction. Can picture doing the same thing, as it has happened to me a couple of times--hehe! Have a wonderful time and I hope the GPS is trustworthy. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip and a safe one also :o)

Those potatoes sure sound good and yummy!!

jewelzmomof4 said...

Drive safe Mom and have a wonderful time.

tattytiara said...

Your post has given me the strangest urge to shout "Retreat! Retreat!" like I was commanding an army or something. I probably shouldn't blog to Beethoven anymore.

Toriz said...

Ah well, don't feel too bad. It happens to a lot of people. ;)

Hope the time in Springfield goes well, and that you get there without getting lost too badly.

junyah said...

My cell has a GPS in it "IF" i want to use it, there's a charge when i turn it on,not much but i don't run it steady.Its kinda like an emergency type thing. I have a pocket GPS that i can use too.I have driven all over the state of Maine and i can find where i want to go as a rule,but drive over to New Hampshire im lost. their road systems are something else. Take Care and Drive carefully,HUgs and a Squeese. JR

Teri said...

I hope you had a wonderful retreat. And do I believe that an entire town reroutes everything to a Walmart? Yes, yes I do.

Unknown said...

We have roundabouts here, they're called rotarys (intentionally spelled this way) and the people of Massachusetts are nutty drivers around those things. My first 3 years living here I avoided them like the plague. Now, I just stare all of other drivers down as I drive through them.