Thursday, January 5, 2012


I've noticed as I blog hop that many have opted against new year resolutions and instead have posted goals.  I'm not sure I understand the distinction between the two, but hey whatever works.  I don't believe anything long term will work for me.  So I am trying a bit of a twist to the goals idea.

On my side bar you will see a list of goals. But only one month's worth.  And only a few.  At the end of the month, I will check them off as complete or incomplete.  If I didn't get them done, maybe I'll move them on to the next month, or more likely I'll decide if I didn't do it, it isn't going to get done.  Time will tell.

I planned on doing a "What's in His Box" post today, but blogger took exception to my pictures.  I'll give you a hint, though.  HIS box is a lot more diversified and  interesting than mine was.  Soon!  I promise!


AliceKay said...

Everyone needs a goal or two or else you end up standing still and no one really wants to do that. I'll keep a watch out for your goal list. I hope you accomplish what you set out to do.

Will be interesting to see what was in HIS box. :)

Blogger can be a real pita sometimes. It wasn't loading my pictures up right the other night so I switched things and posted the movie preview.

ChicagoLady said...

I stopped doing resolutions because I never kept them, so what was the point. I have decided I have a goal for this year, which will give me something to blog about, if I ever find enough time to sit here and figure out what to say on the subject.

Good luck with your monthly goals!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Deanna, I have a few goals for this year. Number one is I hope to get healthier through eating less sugar and fatty foods and exercising more. I'd like to get off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds if I can. Hubby needs to eat better because his cholesterol levels aren't good, either. I can't control everything he eats, but I can at least try harder to put healthier food on the table. It'll be hard though, because we like our cheeseburgers and fried chicken with mash potatoes and gravy! :D

If you don't mind my asking, where do you see eagles? I assume you mean bald eagles? I've been wanting to find them ever since I saw a pair fly over our house this summer.

Here's to good luck for all of us in meeting our goals this month/year!

betty said...

I like your idea about the goals, Deanna. And I like that you kept it simple with three goals for the month. Really all doable too! Losing five pounds is a piece of cake I do believe. Cut back a little every day for the month and those pounds will come off!

good luck with them!


Toriz said...

Resolutions are promises you make to yourself about things you will do, but often break. Goals are things you'd like to achieve but aren't going to make promises you'll do what you say you'll try and do. Basically, goals are resolutions without the guilty feeling of breaking a promise if you don't keep to them.

Anyway, I hope you manage to reach the goals in your list! :)

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

I don't do resolutions. I should make a resolution to stop procrastinating. It really is a huge problem for me :) I like your idea!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I'm with Cheryl. I hope to just get healthier in the new year. I have no major flaws, but several minor ones that could use some cleaning up. My goal is one day at a time. Maybe I can handle that.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Don't forget to take some time to craft too!!!! FUN always makes the work more worthwhile, lol! Hugs!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Happy New Year Sweetie, I hope yours is bight and beautiful.

I stopped makin' resolutions years ago and decided to just live each and every day the best I can. 'Makes me happy!!!

I do set goals as they come up but it's throughout the year and not just on January 1.

God bless ya and have yourself a wonderful weekend...isn't this weather unbelievable???

LadyStyx said...

I'm the same as Chicago. I gave up the goals and resolutions long ago because I never could manage to get them accomplished. It just depressed me to fail constantly. Now I just take one day at a time.

Intense Guy said...

Hey, last time I made resolutions, I ended up sleeping on the sofa for years...

I will wait patiently for the HIS box reveal. :)


Rita said...

New Year's resolutions, to me, mean start right now and either you stick with it or not from that point. I am no good at those. I started my goal list as a kind of suggestions of things to do this year kind of thing. I kind of had various lists here and there anyways (chronic list maker) and this way I have them all in one place to reference during the year. No pressure. I kind of aim for half--LOL! But I like your once a month short list, too! That's a really cool idea. :)