Sunday, January 8, 2012

One goal down

Todays' temperatures were cool - only in the low 40's - but the day was oh so pretty.  The skies were overcast, but no rain or snow in sight. 

When we got home from Church this morning, we decided to pack a thermos of the "good coffee" (Harry & David's Moose something or other) and head out for a little Eagle watching.  Since we were basically on a Sunday afternoon drive and staying close to home, we really didn't expect to sight any. 

My insomnia had kicked in again last night, so while Jim drove, I laid my head back and closed my eyes (aka fell asleep).  I was rudely awoken with an exclamation from Jim, "There's an Eagle".  I'm sure it is!  See that white head?  That's no hawk, that's an Eagle!"  Of course by then it was too late for a photo op.  Never mind the fact that I was rubbing my eyes, adjusting to the light.  Never fear!  Jim turned that car around, hit the flashers, and rode the shoulder of the road back to the site of the sighting. 

And so today I saw my first Eagle ever!  I'm so excited!

Hey Eagle... don't you pretend you don't know I'm down here!  Gotcha!

Just because your majestic white head is the same color as the sky, I can still see you.  Yes I can!
 After harassing this guy, we headed on down the river road of Hwy 94 towards Portland, MO to walk along the Katy Trail.  We didn't go far before another Eagle took flight out of a tree above our head.  This is exciting stuff.  If you live in this area and want to walk a beautiful part of the trail, the section beginning at Portland runs parallel with the Missouri River for a long way.  I'm looking forward to seeing it in the Spring, again in the Summer and then especially in the Fall.

The Eagles perched on the trees in the photo below were on the other side of the river.  As we walked along the trail we could hear their shreik in the distance. 

Positioned ready to swoop down on fish in the Missouri River

Me taking a photo of him

Him taking a photo of me
A beautiful section of the Katy Trail - Portland, MO

We are going to go to Clarksville later this week with high hopes of seeing and getting more pictures of Eagles - the symbol of our Nation and Freedom.

Now, about HIS box.  I am curious.  What do people think might be in that box?  Any guesses?  Come on, humor me....  Make a guess!

And guess what?  I get to take Eagle watching off my goal list already!


Nancy said...

OMG...we live so close to Portland and we have never been down the Katy Trail... My oldest used to run track and they used the Katy Trail near Mokane as their training runs...

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I love the pictures of you two taking each others picture! Such Love!
I was all set for a Clarksville posting, guess I will just have to wait til later this week.
Safe Travels.
(PS say a little prayer for son and family, if they don't get an offer on their house before 1/15 it goes off the market and they won't be buying the one in our neighborhood.) It makes me sick.

AliceKay said...

Those are awesome pictures of those eagles. I am so envious of you. :)

Cool shots of the Mr. and Mrs., too. lol

No guesses on what's in his box. Will wait until you either tell us or show us. :p

Thanks for sharing your pictures. It looks like a beautiful area. The eagles were in the right spot and so were you. :)

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Great eagle pictures! They are such beautiful birds!

ChicagoLady said...
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ChicagoLady said...

Beautiful shots of that male Bald Eagle! I'm so jealous!!!

My guess for Jim's box is: Trophies, sports cards, and/or school yearbooks. Maybe some old matchbox cars?

betty said...

Awesome, Deanna. What a great eagle you saw! Such a majestic bird!


LadyStyx said...

omigoodness!! Congrats on the one goal down. What a lovely set of shots. It reminds me.... we've had certain visitor of the feathered variety on our fence recently. I suspect it's one of the reasons that the song birds haven't been around quite so much.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Soooo cool! I've never seen an eagle either. Hugs!

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Deanna!!!! We went to Hermann yesterday instead of Clarksville and I did some barn shooting. Spent more time on the shoulder of 94 than the road. We probably passed you. Had a brat at Hermannhof Winery. Awesome you got a picture of an eagle! Did you happen to see a crazy woman walking 94 with a camera? We cut up through Mokane to Fulton to have wine with CH's Mom.

Deanna said...

Nancy, we've often walked the trail from Wainwright to Mokane but this is the first time that we've put in at Portland. You've got to give it a try. It really is so pretty!

Patti, I've added your son and DIL to my prayer list. It would be such a shame if they aren't able to sell their home when they have dreamed about this for so long!

AK, we go lucky for once! We talked to a couple who go to Clarksville all of the time and they said they've seen hundreds there. Won't that be cool? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

They are beautiful, aren't they April!

Chicago, I should have known you would know whether it was M of F. We were trying to decided and now we know! Pretty good guesses there. Stay tuned....

They are majestic, Betty. Such a thrill!

Thanks Styxie. We have that problem with keeping the song birds too. Blue Jays scare ours off.

Huggsss Jeannie!

Pix, we had to have crossed paths at some point. We were even on the road between Mokane and Fulton at one point. Jim's mom is in the nursing home in Mokane. I thought of you several times when we went past different barns. I hope you got pictures of them. We were both crazy ladies with cameras walking along 94. That is too funny!

jewelzmomof4 said...

You two are so cute!! I love the Eagle pictures but I think my favorite is the pictures of you all taking pictures of each other taking picture of each other LOL. I remember driving along 94 and seeing Eagles, hawks owls and the occasional goat pearched on the rock of the cliffs.I always thought it was so cool to see the goats LOL. I will have to take the kids there sometime.

jewelzmomof4 said...

Oh and my guess for Dad,s box.....yearbooks, model cars and pictures.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love your shots of the eagle! I've only seen them when a pair flew over our house last year. They were so big and awesome. I've been wanting to go eagle hunting myself. Cute photos of the two of you snapping each other!

Steve Skinner said...

We often see eagles here during the winter and spring and they never cease to amaze me!

Nancy said...

How exciting to see even one eagle and you saw several. We used to see them in Nova Scotia. They were there to eat the waste from the chicken processing plant. A whole tree full of eagles! Nancy

Toriz said...

Awesome! :)

Intense Guy said...

Its always a thrill to see those magnificent birds! I see them "down the houseboat" sometimes when they go stealing fish from the Osprey (the Osprey do NOT like Eagles!)

I like the two camera nut shots too. :)

Hmm.. what's in his box... lets see he's an undertaker... and a ex-shop teacher? I'm going to say some old tools (maybe for either "hobby") And maybe a collection of someone's lacy racies...

Intense Guy said...

P.s., I keep saying this - but I'm a gonna... take a walk on that trail sooner or later!!

Rita said...

They are majestic birds. Now you can check that off your list. ;)
Cute shots of the two "shooters"--LOL!