Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers – you know who you are… Or do you?

Are you a mother? I am and proud of it! Maybe you are too and don’t realize it.

After all, what really makes someone a mother?

Having a child doesn’t make you a mother. Caring for and about a child does.

Motherhood is a long journey. It begins with the want of a child. I think those who are walking down the rocky road of conception, only to be disappointed, in a way I can’t comprehend, time after time are mothers of the strongest kind. You have my deepest respect.

And I don't know what to say to mothers who love and cherish their babies in the womb, only to have them taken away before they are placed in their loving arms. You are a mother like no other - experiencing the ultimate pain of motherhood.

For some mothers, the journey begins before even the want. Thank you to all the unwed mothers, teens and others who for one reason or another felt unable to care for a child and yet chose to give that child life. (I always struggle with the phrase “chose to give a child life” – I’ll never understand how letting a child live can be anyone’s choice… but I digress). Thank you for having the strength and for caring enough to allow someone who is able to love and raise your gift from God the chance to do so.

Thank you to those who adopt babies and raise them as their own. And thank you to all who watch over our children – foster parents, teachers, social workers, day care providers, and the neighborhood lady keeping an eye open for latchkey kids – you are mothers.

How about the single dad? Or the stay at home dad? Or the grandparent(s) raising their grandchildren? You better believe you are mothers.

And to the traditional mother. My hat is off to you! You are a special breed deserving some pampering today. I hope you don’t mind sharing your day. There are an awful lot of people out there that make our role as mother a bit easier. Thank you to each and every person who cares about a child in any way. The world needs you.


A super cool mother (my Julie) cooked supper for me last night. She made this awesome salad of lettuce, slaw, and cooked deer steak with ranch dressing mixed with BarBQ seasoning and French bread. It was scrumpdilyicious! I don’t know which was better, having someone cook for me or being outside for a change with three of my grandkids to keep me entertained. The hugs and kisses I got are definitely on top of the list of making it a great day.

Travis sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree

We walked through the woods to Travis’ special spot. He built a fort out of fallen trees and brush. I’m kind of not too happy about the location because it is close to an old gypsum quarry at the edge of our property. Nobody knows how deep this quarry is. It is off limits and has a barbed wire fence around it… but when has barbed wire ever been known to stop a curious mind? For now the fort stays but chances are real good that it will be relocated this summer. (sorry Travis :(

rickety shelves built between two scrawny trees

The fort has all the amenities of home, including shelves. And of course we all know that for guys the world is their bathroom. No shortage of trees to choose from.

Dakota brushing spider webs out of his hair

Dakota was NOT a happy camper. The path to the fort was lined with spider webs and bugs and ticks.

A beetle on a leaf

I thought this little guy was kind of cute, but Dakota strongly disagreed…

Travis swinging with Austin on his lap

Back at the ranch we chilled around the play area. It was just nice to be outside. Austin seems to think big brother is A-OK!

Austin peeing on a tree

Speaking of watering trees… Austin told us this tree will grow nice and big now.

Dakota swinging from a rope - eyes closed

After a stint in the house, waiting for the bugs and ticks to disappear (like that’s going to happen), Dakota decided to face his fears and come join us again. Wake up Dakota!

Dakota swinging from a rope

Ah, that’s better. A bit fuzzy, but at least he is awake.

Austin's feet - shoes on wrong

Am I crazy? I really think my feet would hurt if I put my shoes on the wrong feet.

Austin sitting at the bottom of slide with shoes on wrong feet

Austin is proof that it doesn’t hurt at all!

Dakota with a big smile

I love that two front teeth missing smile. I love the color of Dakota’s hair, too. Oh heck, I love everything about my grandkids – each and every one of them!

Azalea bush photo taken from the porch

And long after Julie packed her brats sweet, wonderful, children up and took them home, Jim and I sat on the front porch, me wrapped in a blanket to ward off the chill, and talked about what a wonderful day we had. Thanks Julie and Happy Mother’s Day.

P.S. I’d never think of any of my grandkids as brats… they really are wonderful.


jewelzmomof4 said...

Mom I had a Wonderful time yesterday and i know the boys did to, yes even Dakota even with his breakdown. I love the pics they turned out great. You are the GREATEST mpm anyone could ask for. You have always been there for me throught he good times and the MANY difficult ones. I hope I didn't give you to many heart attacks through the years. LOL oh who am I kidding I know I did but i am glad you surrvived. I LOVE YOU and want you to know you are appreciated. I couldn'thave gotten where I am today if it wasn't for you and Dad's help through my first few years of motherhood. I am the mother I am today because of you and I like to think I do an ok job of it. LOL Love you lots. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

Travis Erwin said...

Travis has both a very cool name ;) and a cool spot to hang out.

MarmiteToasty said...

What a gorgeous loving beautiful post......

Happy muvvers day dear you....

We had our muvvers day back in march....

I try to be a good mum, I dont always get it right, but Im trying to be a mum and a dad lol and I dont know how to grow a beard lol


Deanna said...

((((Julie)))) What is a mpm? lol Love you babe.
Hey Travis! Welcome. You like that name huh. Yea his spot is every boy's dream (or so I'm told)
(((((MEL)))) You can bet you came to mind as I was typing this post. You fit into an awful lot of the roles of mother. Did I ever mention that I admire you? Well I do!

sexy41 said...

What a great post. I loved the tribute to all kinds of Mothers. You are a great Mother and Grandmother Deanna. You are so lucky to have all you have.

Loved the pictures but really liked the one with the shoes on the wrong feet. Made me laugh.

Happy Mothers Day

Lainie said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

(Love the man-cave, BTW)

Ausgrl said...

Punkn, I see you had a wonderful mothers day, just as you deserve. Am a little late but Happy Mothers day.

Toriz said...

Looks as though everyone enjoyed themselves this weekend. Mind you, it seems to me that people always enjoy visits to your house. :)

I actually read this post not too long after you posted it, but I couldn't be bothered to sign in and comment... So, belated happy mothers' day from me. :)

Intense Guy said...

I can see you had a nice Mother's Day (as well you should!)

That fort looks really cool - I hope Travis doesn't mind if I come by and hide in it.

LOL @ Austin's little moonie... You and Marmite are posting little boy tushes left and right... I'm thinking you two will start a little mooning war.

I bet when that Austin watered tree grows all the way up, you will be able to see Austin (Texas) from the top of it.

*Hugs the Punkn tight*

Deanna said...

(((((Tobi)))) Happy Mother's Day to you too - did you go camping?
((((Lainie)))) Hope you had a great mother's day too. If I can't find Jim, I know where he will be hiding ;)
((((Aus)))) Thanks hun. Glad to see you lurking. Hope all is well with you.
((((Tori)))) What a sweet thing to say. I'm glad you enjoy visiting my home. I always enjoy visiting your too!
((((Iggy)))) You sure you wouldn't mind the ticks? I'd find a nice comfy bed for you in the inside cave bedroom, though, if you come visit. I thought of Marmie when I took the picture of Austin's tush. Julie insisted I take it.

Nana said...

What a sweet tribute to mothers!

I loved the pictures of your grandkids. It looks and sounds like a wonderful day.

AliceKay said...

Great pictures. I love seeing your family and the pictures you take of your home and your surroundings.