Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cow Lick

 deanna 1956 

I’ve always wanted to be able to wear bangs.  If there was anything I wined about when I was little, it was the fact that I wasn’t allowed to have bangs.



At one point I tried cutting my own version of bangs, with mostly disastrous results.  One side would lay flat and the other would stand up all crazy like.


My grandma (dad’s mom) had a wicked sense of humor.  Raising 12 kids in the middle of the depression, I often wonder if she developed her sense of humor to keep her sanity.   One of these days soon I’ll do a proper post on this wonderful lady.  Today I want to tell you a short story. 

kath, tom, de, 55We were visiting grandma one weekend when I was four or so.  Like I often did, I was whining about not having bangs.  “Kathleen has bangs,” I’d say.   “Why can’t I?”  Grandma then told me a story that I took to heart. 


Grandma explained that when I was a little girl, she and dad took me to visit Uncle John’s cows.  As we were leaning over the fence to pet the cows, one friendly cow licked my head and caused a “cow lick”.  She told me that not everyone is so lucky as to be licked by a cow.  And that because of that, my hair wouldn’t lay down in the place where the cow licked my head. 

Somehow, she made me feel very special.  I was (and still am) very gullible.  I believed this story.  It wasn’t until I was telling this story, many years later, to some friends at school, that I realized just how crazy a story it was.  I was quick to laugh with them and pretended I knew all along that it wasn’t true.  When I later went home and cried to mom and dad that I had believed it all these years, they were shocked.  They didn’t remember grandma telling me such a tale and certainly wouldn’t have believed that I bought it, hook, line and sinker.

So, be careful what you tell your children and grandchildren.  There is always that chance that they might just believe…. and believe… and believe…

Now, how many weeks before the Easter Bunny comes…


Anonymous said...

Hee hee... what a funny story!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny Punkn, I love the pics of you as a young one and I really love the pic of your Grandmother, she looks so happy thanks for sharing HUGS

Janet said...

That's really cute. My grandpa used to tell me that eating the bread crusts would make my hair curly. I think kids will believe anything a grandparent tells them.

Queenie Jeannie said...


What a delightful story!!! I was the same way as a child, so don't feel badly. And man, you were one deliciously cute kid!!!!

Your Grandmother sounds like a gem!

KRITI said...

yOUr story is really amazing....funny yet thoughtful....
Do check my thoughts on


as a fellow cow licker i was also told this story

how my family handled the cow lick was to cut it CLEAR DOWN TO MY SCALP

that looked abso awesome

junyah said...

I had a good long comment writen and then i couldnt get the damm sign in to work ,story of my life, anyway , nothing wrong with a cow lick i had 2 on the back of head, but time took care of that, i'd love to have one now thats wishing a lot . Hey Hugs to you ..JR

AliceKay said...

I've seen your pic lots of times over the years, but I never noticed your cowlick. I have the same exact cowlick (and heard a similiar story when i was a little kid). Never had bangs...always combed or brushed to one side. Nice pics. :)

Dorkys Ramos said...

Awww!! I don't know whether to feel for you or laugh hysterically. Cute story though. I'm sure she just wanted to make you feel better. And hey, it sure worked for several years didn't it?

Cute pictures, by the way!

Intense Guy said...

No wonder Jim didn't "let you go" after he first saw you! :)

Did you know if you lick the cow back you get rid of the cowlick?

Toriz said...


Don't feel bad, my Dad has gotten various people - including me - with things like that. Like the time with my honorary sister and her brother...

They'd spent a lot of their childhood in Canada and the rest of it in England, so they were 11 and 13 when they first visited Wales. Dad told them that Welsh sheep were special, and they asked why. To which my Dad replied:

"Welsh sheep are specially bred to have their legs on one side be shorter to make it easier for them to stand on all the mountains. You will also notice that some are white, some are black, and others are a combination."

"Yeah, we see that," they replied.

"Well," said my Dad. "That's because some have fallen in coal mines and their wool has been dyed while they were waiting to be rescued. Others fell in, but were able to get out before their wool got too covered in coal though. And the rest were smart enough not to end up in the mines."

"Are you sure that's true?" they asked.

"Of course," said my Dad. "You get black sheep don't you?"


"And you get black wool, don't you?"


"Well then! Where do you think black wool comes from if not from black sheep! And Wales has lots of coal mines."


After a while they excitedly pointed out that they could see some sheep with different length legs.

Intense Guy said...

*Laffs @ Tori's comment*

Rita said...

I have always been gullible (I prefer trusting) and have been occasionally fooled by some crazy story or another--well--into my 40s at least! And, sadly, could probably be still fooled today! I just catch on faster. ;)

ChicagoLady said...

What an adorable story! Of course your grandma was just trying to make you feel special with what you were given, instead of being jealous of your sister. And it worked! Love seeing pictures of you when you were little.

LadyStyx said...

*chuckles* Too cute!