Monday, May 10, 2010

Goodness and Seriously?

Yesterday was one of those mother’s days where I can look back and say, “yes, life is good”.
After church we visited Jim’s mom in the nursing home. Her short term memory is shot. Her long term memory is whatever she wants it to be. She tells the wildest stories, but tells them with such conviction that if you didn’t know better, you’d swear it was the truth.

The one thing she hasn’t forgotten is how to play the piano. Her large family were mostly all musically inclined. She learned to play the piano early in life, just by playing what she heard. She couldn’t read a note if her life depended on it.

Here is a little clip I videotaped of her playing for us yesterday.   (the video doesn't show for some reason - just click on the little white box)

Tessa and Bill hosted a mother’s day celebration at their place. It was nice and relaxing, with wonderful pork steaks, ribs, and all the fixings. The sun played peek-a-boo with us all day, leaving us shivering one moment and warm the next. At the end of the day, I greedily grabbed my new rose bush and ceramic citronella (or whatever scented oil you want) burner, and headed home. What a wonderful day!

Today is rainy and bone chilling cold. This is where the seriously comes into play. For the first time ever, we have a fire in the wood stove in May. Seriously? MAY! It is crazy.

The minute Jim sat down to build the fire, Whiskey moved over next to him. When he has his camo outfit on, he thinks we can’t see him.

I might want to mention here that Jim agreed to build the fire if I agreed to blog about it. Have I mentioned that he is hooked on my blog and many of the blogs I follow? He’ll never admit it, but it’s true.

Soaking up the heat rays.

We took my little bug into the shop this morning for some look/see. The transmission has been shifting a little lot rough lately. The mechanic thinks the fluids just need to be replenished. I sure hope that is all it is. But for right now, I’m enjoying thunderstorms, wood stove heating the kitchen, and hot tea.

I’ll worry about other stuff later.
Peace and have a good rest of the week!


Flat Creek Farm said...

Seriously! It IS crazy. We are warming by the stove today also, me and the dogs. Your Whiskey is adorable. Our Banjo JRT has a camo hoodie. She detests it, but we think she looks darling in it so she *must* wear it on occasion.

Oh, and that clip of your MIL playing piano... now that is priceless! She's still 'got it' :) -Tammy

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I love to hear Mrs H play when I am there visitng my Mother. Mrs H. usually plays every day after her noon meal.
Hot tea and a fire . . .can it get any better tha that?

betty said...

sounds like it was a nice Mother's Day; life really is good isn't it? even in the struggles,life is good especially when spent with those we love.

cute about your hubby and the fire; I think it is a fine looking fire; one to keep you warm through this evening

it was 21 degrees yesterday driving through Montana at 7 a.m. in the morning. brrr.......


Tonia said...

We had considered a fire but we havent yet.. Just been cooking and doing laundry and it helps keep it tolerable. WE do have elcetric heat back up but dont want to turn it on.
I answered your questions about the deodorant on my blog but here is what I said..... On the Deodorant I have mine in a jar and just swipe about a teaspoonful out and rub it on. Its basically a solid but cocount oil melts at 76* so it will melt into your skin.
Have a good night! I hope the storms dont get to bad..

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Mother's Day! Sure wish I had paid attention during piano lessons way back when!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

how nice,
you are very attentive and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!
Happy Monday!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Hello Deanna
I just checked back in with Snappy Di and saw your comment and clicked over. I'm in Missouri too and it is definitely chilly.

Your fire looks cozy.:-)

AliceKay said...

The video of Jim's mom is great. Bless her heart. She plays beautifully, and you can see in her eyes how much she loves to play.

It sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day with your family. :)

Whiskey is so cute in his little camo outfit. LOL

That fire looks very inviting. It's been cold here, too. In fact, my furnace just kicked on again. We had a frost last night and we're supposed to get a freeze tonight. I'm ready for warm weather.

I hope your little Bug doesn't have a big problem. My car has been acting up, too. Not sure if it's the starter again or some kind of computer problem. Gotta get it back in the shop soon before I get stuck somewhere.

Rural Rambler said...

Seriously! Our crazy Missouri weather is starting to make me cranky this week. But it was pretty in Fulton on Mom's Day! You can just tell your Mom-in-law is into the piano playing :) Hope your Beetle is just having a little case of hiccups! You have a shop close you take it to? We still drive to Springfield for service, not that I am complaining at all. I love a trip to Springfield-Red Robin Burgers!!!!!

Intense Guy said...


Happy belated mother's day.

I looked and looked for Whiskey in those pictures but I couldn't find him. Must be a really good camo pattern.

Enjoy the toasty fire.

...and know that today a gift has been made to American Health Assistance Foundation for continuing research on Alzheimer's Disease in memory of Ed and Margaret.

*Hugs you tightly*

Toriz said...

She's fantastic! Kelly even came to listen and said, "who is that? It's really good!" And, trust me, that's a possitive thing... You got him away from his "toys" ;)

Sounds like you had a really nice Mothers' Day. Glad to hear it! :)

Seriously? The stove in May? LOL! What are you, in Wales or something? ;)

Jan Holt said...

Wow, she's a great piano player. Really enjoyed listening to it. And Whisky looks so cute!

Glad you had a good Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you had a lovely Mothers Day, I had a great grandmother that played piano by ear also I think it is just wonderful how people can do that. Your little doggy is just too cute, I want a lil doggy. I love your new blog look and your signature at the end adds just the special touch :o)


Funny in My Mind said...

I loved how the lady with the walker was "dancing" swaying back and forth. She has some talent on the piano for sure!
That pup is so cute in the camo jacket.
This weather has made me sad again because I hear it is supposed to rain the rest of the week.
Last night we had the heat on. Today I turned on the ac.