Wednesday, May 18, 2011

6:15 am - Woke up, big stretch, got up to pee and brush teeth
6:17 am - Curled  back up in bed
6:47 am - Crawled Jumped back out of bed to face the day
6:48 am - Grabbed a cup of coffee and turned on morning news
6:55 am - Kissed hubby goodby as he headed to work
7:15 am - Turned off news (ugh) - do I really care about Arnold, Newt, and that dude from France?, grabbed anothed cuppa coffee and bowl of cereal and check email.
7:22 - Done with emails (where did all my friends go?!?)  Started writing this blog
7:26 - Blog time!
8:15 - Grabbed another cuppa and started chores... made bed, put out a load of laundry (how can two people dirty so many clothes...), unloaded dishwasher (how again...), fed cat, looked at dog who Jim already fed, filled the bird feeders, put first load of laundry into drier and put another load (again, how...)
9:00 - Grabbed another cuppa in a clean cup because the previous one is sitting cold somewhere in the house and continued with blogs.  If anyone tries to tell you that blogs are not time consuming, they are kidding themselves!  But I love them.
9:30 - Phone call with Julie
9:45 - Fold clothes, put out another load (again, how...)
10:00 - Heading out to mow grass.  This is a biggie for me because Jim is at work.  He usually gets the mower going for me.  Cross your fingers!
11:30 - Time for a water and left over fried chicken (compliments of WalMart) break.  Turned drier back on to fluff clothes because I was outside too long (come on, admit it - you do that too!  Don't you?)  Mower started right off!  Five sections done.  I think everyone has a different method of mowing.  Since we have so many trees and "areas", I tend to section my mowing off by trees or terrain.
12:00 - Got sidetracked by my Nook - reading John Grisham's "The Confession"
12:20 - Sister called
12:30 - Returned to mowing
1:15 - Another break.  Took bird pictures and posted them on my blog.
1:45 - Returned to mowing
4:15 - After numerous breaks, I'm DONE!  Jim came home around 3:00 and helped finish
4:30 - Jim discovers our 21 year old cat, Shelby, curled up in a pile of leaves, close to death.  We've made her comfortable and hope she is not in pain.  She's lived a good life.  It is going to be hard to let her go - and that is all I plan to say on the subject.  Can't dwell on it.
4:45 - Heading for a much needed shower!
5:15 - Margarita time
5:45 - News
6:15 - Supper of chicken and rice casserole
7:00 - Television and then bed
I am soooo damn tired!

I think I missed a load of laundry somewhere... Pretty sure I missed a few potty breaks too.

Hope everyone had a great.  They are calling for rain for the next countless days.  Am glad the grass is mowed!


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Some days I can ditto that. Not today, I got paid to work today!
Rest well tonight my friend!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You sure earned a good night's sleep! What a busy day! Your hummingbird shots in the post below are awesome. That was a great catch of the bird in coming in for a drink.

AliceKay said...

Busy day.

I'm very sorry to hear about your beloved cat, Shelby. I hope she isn't in pain. It's hard, I know. *hugs*

betty said...

I think we are sending the rain your way since it rained a lot here today

so sorry about your cat....but 21 years is a good life indeed!

how fun to share your day with you! good for you getting out there mowing; that is hard work indeed!


Rita said...

What a great post!
I hope Shelby goes quietly and peacefully. 21 years is amazing! :)

LadyStyx said...

Sorry to hear about Shelby. That's a very long life for a kitty.

Toriz said...

I hope Shelby goes peacefully and with no pain! *Hugs*

Great post!

Oh, and - for the record - I'm a bit relieved you left out the potty break details. ;)

ChicagoLady said...

Very busy day you had! Sorry to hear about Shelby, she must have been well taken care of to live 21 long years. Hugs!

Intense Guy said...

Ahhh, my kind of day (minus the poor sick cat)... I had leftover chicken myself today.

I hope Shelby is comfortable. She knows she is much loved.


Intense Guy said...

I smell birthday cake...

Hmm... and LOTS of wax candles...

Huge fountains of flames...


Toriz said...

Happy birthday!
Hope it turns out to be a great one! :)

Rural Rambler said...

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Deanna!
Happy Birthday To YOU!!!!
Have a wonderful day and do something you love.

Deanna sorry about Shelby. 21 years old, but she has you all making sure she is comfortable till the end.

Anonymous said...

LOL cute post and I so know what you mean about the laundry and Im also tired of hearing about the fellows on the news lol take care girl HUGS

Im sorry about your kitty too and I am sure she feels very safe and comfortable being with her loved ones :o)

jewelzmomof4 said...

You are a busy busy lady!!! I am going to miss Shelby so much!!! I remember when i would get ready in the morning she would come into the bathroom and she would jump up on the counter and meow at me to turn on the water. I of course would do that for her and she would climb practically into the sink and drink straight from the faucet. I know that was one of your favorite things she did and I let her do LOL. I have shed my tears but only a few were sad. We have so many good memories with her that it is hard to dwell on her death I am choseing to remember all the sweet times we had with one of the best cats ever :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hugs! So sorry about Shelby. That's an amazingly long life for a cat, but still...our fur friends are oh-so-special!!!