Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yesterday was a great day. 

"They" were calling for rain to roll in yesterday.  "They" were once again wrong.  After a morning of going to the gym, running errands, and cleaning up around here, we cleaned up (yes, it was necessary) and joined the kids at Greg and Alicia's for my birthday party.  Everything was so relaxing.  Alicia fixed Mint Juleps.  I'd never had them before!  They were scary good. - you know, the type of good that would sneak up on a person if they are not careful.  I was careful and only had two.  We then all stuffed  ourselves on grilled pork steaks, potato casserole, broccoli/cauliflower salad, baked beans and maybe I'm forgetting something else.  It was all delicious.  Then we had cheesecake for dessert. Since they were worried about smoke soot damage to their ceilings, we decided to forgo the candles. 

Jim is working this afternoon.  I am smoking a pork loin and checking out blogs.  As soon as I get done here, I do believe I need to "pick up" the house.  I'm terrible about not always putting things away.

Oh, and I picked strawberries this morning.  And the cherries are almost ready.  So far the birds are leaving them alone.  So maybe I'll get some.  Apparently this is the year the cicadas are supposed to get really bad.  While walking around outside this morning, we saw two of them hanging around.  I hate the damage they do to trees, especially the tender barks of new fruit trees.  I hope the pear trees we planted last year survive.  I'm not looking forward to the deafening noise they create when they are in great numbers.  Sitting smack dab in the middle of the woods equals full surround stereo.  Sometimes that is not a good thing!

I hope every one has  had a great weekend.


betty said...

what a wonderful birthday celebration, Deanna! That food sounded delicious; cheesecake is my very favorite dessert!! Sounds like a great weekend too! I bet those strawberries taaste so delicious!! hoping you get to enjoy the cherries this year too!

hoping the week ahead is a good one!


Intense Guy said...

*Drools until a small puddle forms on his desk*

Cheeeeeeeeeeesecake!! Strawberrrrrrriesssss and Pooorkkkk chopppps!!!

I'm glad you forgo'ed the candles... :) those candles with numbers on 'em aren't the same as individual ones.

Sits here and tries to picture you smoking a pork loin...

Nancy said...

Our daughter cancelled her garage sale because of the "forecast" No rain for us either..

I saw our first cicada hanging on the back deck...I hate the noise they make and am not looking forward to sitting on the deck this summer and having to put up with it..

Rita said...

I remember visiting farther south when I was a kid when the cicadas were out in full force! I have never forgotten it! They were sitting on everything and crawling everywhere you stepped and soooo friggin' loud! They told us kids not to be outside near dusk. They didn't have to tell me twice. I don't envy you at all. Good thing it is only once every 17 years, right? If I remember correctly.

BUT--your birthday sounds like it was awesome! So glad you had a great time. Chessecake!!! Yummmm!

If I had all the candles on my cake it would have set off the fire alarm! ;) Keep celebrating! Glad you were born!!

AliceKay said...

I'm glad the weather held off for your party. It sounds like you had a great time. The food sounds delicious. (i love cheesecake, too) I had to laugh at what Iggy said about picturing you smoking a pork loin. I had a vision after I read that. LOL

Seeing a bunch of cicadas would freak me out. The noise would most definitely interrupt my sleep. One cricket can set my nerves in full gear and keep me awake, so I would hate to think of cicadas invading the area. :\ I hope they aren't as bad as you might think.

Have a great week.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Sounds like a lovely birthday!! So jealous of your fresh fruit too! We can get everything here but nothing is really in season yet so it's CRAZY expensive!!!

Can you cover the fruit trees somehow so they don't get eaten??

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yum! Your birthday dinner sounds so good and it's making me hungry! Of course I haven't had breakfast yet, but a bowl of cereal doesn't sound so good after reading about all that delicious food. :D Glad you had a good birthday!

Toriz said...

Your birthday celebrations sound really nice.

Yum (about the strawberries and cherries).

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you had a wonderful birthday with family. The food just sounds mouth watering, gosh Im hungry LOL

ChicagoLady said...

Punkn, I'm glad you had a nice time celebrating your birthday. We had the 17 year cicadas a couple years ago, and they were deafening at work. I remember driving over them and into them and dodging them while walking to my car. Glad they don't do that every year.