Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pray for them

By now everyone has seen the photos and videos of the devastation wrought by mother nature in Joplin, MO.  Help is needed.  If you would like to help, Text "REDCROSS" to 90999 to make a $10 donation, or visit The Red Cross website to donate or give blood.

It never occurred to me that people would worry about me.  However, I have had enough inquiries that I feel I need to let people know that we are all ok.  I received emails from my good friends Alice Kay, Karla, Hank JR, and Iggy expressing concern.  Many others have expressed concern on Facebook.  This was my reply to Iggy.  Thank you everyone for caring.
 I have watched the news in horror as this tragedy unfolds. The death count is now well over 100. I am very proud of how those involved are handling themselves - with dignity and professionalism. Joplin is about 200 miles from me. I was there many times during my years of government work. It was a nice place to go. And I'm sure it will again be. It is a very hopeless feeling to know there is little I can do right now. I am going to donate blood today (they have finally lifted the "cancer ban" from me and I am again allowed to donate). I will donate money to church if they take up a special collection this weekend, otherwise to the Red Cross. Other than that... all I can do is pray for those involved in this horror. It is at this point, I believe, the deadliest tornado in the nation.

We have been plagued, and will continue to be apparently, with thunderstorms, hail and the threat of tornadoes. The idiots were wrong about the end of the world, but God is definitely getting everyone's attention these days. Not just here of course, but around the world. I don't worry about me, but I do worry about my kids. My prayers are always that God keeps them and their families safe.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


betty said...

(((Deanna))) I am so glad to hear that you are okay. I worried about you and "Funny" when I heard Missouri (she's fine too as you probably know).

Prayers going up. Yes God is getting our attention; those who are listening need to continue to pray and get the message of Jesus out. Those who aren't listening, need to stop and think and be still and listen.....

such a tragedy; so many this year. But it is good to see people stepping up and helping as they can!


Missouri Gal said...

The destruction of Joplin breaks my heart. So many people are missing including people I went to school with! My son, is there now, helping out. I'm heading down Friday to do anything I can for my hometown.

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

So glad you are OK. Prayers are going out for the people in Joplin. I used to live in Perry Mo. I Love Missouri. As Betty said" God is getting our Attention"
Take care sweetie!!

Intense Guy said...


Real Americans stand by each other and help each others in times of tragedy and need. We help the world - and now we need to focus on helping our own.

I will do my bit.

Toriz said...

I'm extremely relieved to hear that you're OK, and hope it remains that way!


My thoughts are with those suffering at the moment with the tornados, volcanos, etc.

LadyStyx said...

*HUGZ* I am so very glad that you're safe.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Hello there, MO Blogger friend... glad all is well there. Guess we'll be praying again tonight (at least in our neck o' the woods) that things don't get too crazy with the weather. Praying for all who were, and continue to be affected by the worst tornado ever. Stay safe! -Tammy

Texas Gal said...

Stay safe Deanna..We are under a tornado watch here in NW Texas at this very moment. It scares me which is unusual as we are constantly under severe weather watches and usually nothing comes of it..not even rain. But the way the weather has been, today I am ever watchful of the skies and trying to figure out where to go if one does come.
I've been praying since the one hit Alabama and my prayers are still going up. I am sure that God hears us.

Deanna said...

Karla, this is for you. Because of blogger being so tempermental, I was unable to post on your blog. Hope you see this:

It would take so little to devastate your area with the extreme drought conditions you are experiencing. We have had sunshine all day today so far, but radar shows that will soon end. I, too, am usually not fearful of storms. I've always embraced them. However, my heart is beating a bit faster and I worry a bit more than usual after all of the tornadoes touching down not only in Joplin, but in many other places.

Stay safe and keep praying.

AliceKay said...

Yes, Blogger is being a real pain today. I tried to post a comment on this post early this afternoon but it wouldn't let me. Got an error. Checked the error code link and it said they were working on it and asked patience. Should I write and tell them patience is NOT one of my virtues? Anyway, my comment... (good thing i copied it first)

As soon as Missouri is mentioned in any news report, newspaper article, or just something on the internet, my first thought goes to you and your family. We have never met, but I feel as if we have.

I'll do my part, too. Every little bit helps.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has been impacted by this monster storm. These storms seem to be coming more frequently and more fiercely. They terrify me and I don't even live in tornado alley. *hugs to you and your loved ones*

Janet said...

Glad to hear you are okay. I didn't remember exactly where you live. :-)

Rita said...

So glad you are okay! I am not even sure exactly where all my blog friends live. And even if I know a state that doesn't help much when it comes to tornadoes and specific towns. Then there are many of us like myself who come from someplace else (Minneapolis) and have friends and family elsewhere...so I just pray like crazy for everybody! And am thrilled to know people are okay. :):)

Now, I just hope everybody stays okay and safe. :)

PS Sometimes if an error box pops up when you try to post--if you go out and try again it will work.

ChicagoLady said...

Please stay safe Punkn, more storms are headed your way. I heard tonight that 448 people have died from tornadoes so far this year, and there have been 50 tornadoes, when the average per year is 20. And May isn't even over yet. It is absolutely unbelievable the devastation that is affecting so many communities, so many lives this year. I'm praying for all those in the line of storms past and storms coming to make it through safely.

Vicki Lane said...

So glad you're safe! Such a scary time...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hope you're staying safe from all the storms, Deanna. We've sure had some scary days with the threat of tornadoes, haven't we? My heart aches for those in Joplin and other places that have lost love ones and their homes. I tried to comment before, but blogger has had some problems, and couldn't. Others have had issues with commenting, too. Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

These storms are just something else, the news is just one heartbreak after another. Im so glad all is ok in your area, HUGS!