Friday, January 6, 2012

Triangles and Eagles

I'll get to HIS BOX blog post eventually.  I will!  No, I'm not procrastinating - I just haven't done it yet.  Should I add it to my goals?  If I haven't done it by Monday, I will.  So there.

My Christmas Post included a picture of Tessa, Julie, and Alicia with iron triangles.  Chicago Lady asked what the significance was of those triangles.  Here is the story.

We moved here in 1981.  Since we had a little acreage, our children tended to wander.  So did my husband.  I was constantly yelling at them when it was time to eat - to no avail.  One year, during one of our many trips to Branson and Silver Dollar City, we decided to buy one of their iron triangles.  The one we have was made by Shad Heller

Iron triangle made by Shad Heller at Silver Dollar City

If you read the story, you will see he was quite a personality.  We always enjoyed visiting with him during our many visits to Branson.  Once we got the iron triangle, everyone knew that when they heard the clanging, they'd better drop what they were doing and come running.

This year for Christmas we thought it would be fun to carry on the iron triangle tradition with our kids.  So we found another personality, Osage Bluff Blacksmith, through his wife, Osage Bluff Quilter and had a triangle Christmas!    We met The Blacksmith and Ms. Quilter through our blogs, but have since found our lives are very similar.  What great friends!

Daughters, Julie and Tessa, and Daughter-in-law, Alicia, opening presents of triangles

One of my goals is to take time to go Eagle Watching.   Cheryl of The Farmer's Daughter asked where we go eagle watching.  I'm probably not the best person to ask that question of since I have never spotted an eagle.  My daughter in law was telling me last weekend that one swooped down in the front of her car while she was driving to her brother's house.  Now that would have scared me to death.  But what a thrill!
Last year we went to the Lake of the Ozarks and happened onto Willmore Lodge.  You can read that post here.  We seriously talked about returning there within the next few weeks with big ol' thermoses of coffee and the camera and hanging out on the wrap around deck.  But we've decided to try someplace else.  By the way, it is Eagles Day at the Lake of the Ozark this weekend..  For more information on places to go for the best Eagle Watching opportunity, go to the Department of Conservation's web site.

Our plan is to head towards Hannibal, MO to the little town of Clarksville.  According to their official website,

Clarksville, MO is located on Missouri Highway 79 which is part of the Great River Road and is one of the most scenic highways along the Mississippi River.  It overlooks U.S. Lock and Dam 24, providing a close vantage point to
view all river boat and barge traffic.  This City, located in Pike County, is also
one of the largest winter migrating areas for the Bald Eagle.  Clarksville is filled with artists, potters, glass blowers, jewelry designers, antique dealers, furniture makers, and specialty craftsmen.

Clarksville is on a National Scenic Byway and lies halfway between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico, halfway between Hannibal and St. Louis, MO and is near the Clarence Cannon Dam and Mark Twain Lake.  It rests at the foot of Lookout Point/Sky Lift Hill, the top of which affords an 800 square mile view of the river and valley and is one of the highest points on the Mississippi  River.

I'm lookin forward to this road trip. Is there any doubt that there will be pictures? Maybe not of Eagles, although I hope so, but pictures never the less.


Funny in My Mind said...

Ha Ha Tonka is a good place to spot the eagles. I have a friend who goes to watch them every year but I forget where. Crazy weather we are having, a teaser till spring.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Thanks for the shout out(s).
I am so jealous . . . Clarksville, we went there this past summer. We loved that area, and there are some great shops.
Have a safe and fun trip!
Love you guys!

AliceKay said...

The iron triangle was a neat idea for a Christmas gift.

The article about Shad Heller says he was born in Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. I never heard of Stroudsberg (with an E), but I know where Stroudsburg (with a U) is located. I searched Google for one spelled with an E, but didn't find one. I did find a book about Lloyd (Shad) Heller tho.

Have a great time on your road trip and I'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures. Clarksville sounds like a wonderful area. I hope you spot an eagle or two, or even more. :)

ChicagoLady said...

Thanks for the explanation about the triangles. What a cute idea to pass down the the daughters and daughter-in-law.

Good luck with your search for Eagles. Along the Miss is the best place to spot them. It's one of my "to do" lists.

betty said...

How cute to call everyone home with the triangle! And then to pass on that tradition to your daughters/DILs! I do hope you get to see an eagle when you go looking for them Deanna!


Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Love the story about the triangles and it is cool that your tradition is still "made to order" by a close friend! When we lived at the Lake of Oz we always saw the Eagles below the Dam on cold, wet, snowy days! Now we think the best place to see them is Alton. Bit of a drive but good food awaits and Eagles are there. Warsaw too! We have seen one circle the house and heard him down by the pond but getting a picture has not been happening. We were standing in the driveway with the bug spraying guy Thursday and he couldn't believe it when one flew over the house! Have fun in Clarksville! We were seriously thinking of that for a daytrip tomorrow for barn shooting and toodling around :) I know, a novel is what I have written here.

Queenie Jeannie said...

What a fun tradition!

Be sure to take lots of photos during your trip!!!! When do you leave?

LadyStyx said...

Man what I wouldn't have given to have my mom armed with that. Sure beats getting whistled for... especially since the fella down the block used the same whistle for his pug....

Toriz said...

That's cool about the triangles; and a neat idea to carry it on. :)

Intense Guy said...

When you started clanging they came runnin' huh? Now that's the sure sign on a great cook!


Such cool gifts... pre-loaded with memories!

Rita said...

You really can hear a triangle for a long distance. Or a good bell to ring. What a great gift idea! :)