Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Letter I

I had two remembering words for the letter I:  Ink pens and Ice Cream Man

It was difficult to choose between the two because of my early-on fascination with penmanship and pens of any sort and such an endearing childhood memory as the ice cream man, but the ice cream man won out.

I seem to remember the music blaring was Pop Goes the Weasel. Surely his playlist was more extensive than that?   He drove this four wheel cycle affair with a chest freezer on the back.  You could hear him coming a long ways off, giving us time to plead for that magical thin dime that would buy an ice cream bar.  My ice cream of choice was a Fudge Bar.  I can still taste the cold chocolate on my tongue in the heat of the sweltering days of summer.  All of the neighborhood kids would come running to the music of the ice cream man.  We secretly felt sorry for those that didn't, knowing they were either in trouble, or they didn't have an extra dime or two to spare that week.

I've lived in the country for over 30 years.  This prompts me to ask:  Does the ice cream man live on?  If not, what a shame. Such good memories.


Megan said...

We still get an ice cream truck coming through our neighborhood in the summer months.The child in me wants to scream and run out to greet him with my quarters :)

Intense Guy said...

There is an ice cream truck in my parts too.

I miss the one down the beach, the guy had a set of bells on a small stick (sort of like sleigh bells) and he would come up to the dune and ring them like crazy for a minute and all the kids would scramble!

Roberta said...

Never had an ice cream man in our small town. I only got to buy a treat once when I visited my aunt in the "big city!" Thanks for stroll down memory lane! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Vicki Lane said...

I have those same memories, and, like you, since I live in the country, it's been many a year since I saw an ice cream truck.

Unknown said...

Oh the icecream man, with 99's and brunches...yes I loved him, especially when we'd have enough to be sent out with a large bowl to get him to fill it with the lovely soft goodness that we adored. Great post.

Thought you said you had no imagination? Seems to me from this post that you have enough to remember *imagine* how you were back in your youth when you'd hear the truck. Well done, have faith, you have imagination, just take it out and practice more often. TWW

Lucy said...

Oh, I grew up with the Ice Cream man and luckily so did my children. I have never seen one in our new neighborhood (probably not aloud) but I do believe the Ice Cream truck still passes through the neighborhood where my kids were small. Loved you conjuring up the memory again :)
Lucy from Lucy's Reality

AliceKay said...

When my kids were little, there was an ice cream truck that drove thru our little town for a short time. It was fun to see the kids get excited when they heard the music coming from the truck.

Margo Kelly said...

The ice cream man drove down our street TODAY, and I thought, isn't it a little early in the season for the ice cream truck? Seriously. It's not even 70 degrees outside yet. It's April. Ice cream truck playing Pop Goes the Weasel outside the windows.

ChicagoLady said...

I do hear an ice cream man during the summer driving around the neighborhood behind me. It's a truck now, and the music is just as annoying now as it was when I was a teenager.

jewelzmomof4 said...

we still have a Ice cream man come through our neighborhood during the summer. My kids LOVE it!!!!!