Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A to Z Challenge Finale

I know... I dropped out of the A to Z Challenge at unable.  Then my last post happened.  One of the things I listed about myself was that I tended to not finish projects.  I had done it again!  The A to Z Challenge had become another of my unfinished projects.  Even though there are some holes in my project, I am going to finish what I started with a memory about Zero Candy Bars

One of my favorite things to do as a little girl was to go swimming at Memorial Park.  On the hottest summer afternoons, we'd don our swimsuits, hop in the car, and head for the pool, where we would meet up with friends.  Many of today's pools are parks, very unlike the simple ones of a shallow and deep end with a rope designation where one began and the other ended.  I was a shallow end type of gal, unless I was trying to impress a boy.  Then I'd hang onto the side kicking my legs in the deep end - just hanging out.  Crazily, since I didn't know how to swim, I once tried to jump off the high dive.  Embarrassingly, I chickened out and had to crawl back off the board to the safety of the concrete ground.  What does this have to do with Zero Candy Bars?

Obviously, I wasn't a swimmer.  You'd more likely find me sunning on the beach towel or sitting on the concession stand benches eating a Zero candy bar.  They weren't just any Zero candy bars.  They were frozen.  Oh the goodness, sitting in the shade, biting into a thawing chocolate outside, creamy in the middle, candy bar.  So delicious.  Try it sometime.

Congratulations to everyone who successfully participated in the A to Z Challenge.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's posts.  It was a good experience!


Intense Guy said...

I wouldn't be too bothered by the "never finishing" projects. There are so many things one can try their hand at, if you did finish everything you started, you wouldn't have time to try some other things!

Rita said...

I've never heard of a Zero candy bar, but I do agree that frozen candy bars when it's dreadfully hot in the summer are wonderful. :)

AliceKay said...

It's been a long time since I've had a Zero candy bar. I still see them in stores from time to time.

I spent my summers in creeks and swimming holes. Some of the deeper spots had a rope to swing on before dropping off into the water. That was a lot of fun. I was fearless when it came to swimming and diving. I shocked some older kids when I wasn't even a teenager yet when I dove off a very high creek bank into the creek below while visiting some older cousins. They all thought I was kidding when I said I was gonna dive, but I showed them different. lol

Some projects are meant to stay unfinished. That's my philosophy anyway. I enjoyed your A-Z posts. Thank you and hugs.

Megan said...

I loved your posts. So glad I got to know you though this challenge. Adding you to my blog list so I stop by each day!

Pix Under the Oaks said...

OhMyGosh Deanna I am obsessed with Zero candy bars to this day! Great way to end on Z!!! I have never put them in the freezer but when I treat myself to one it has to go in the fridge to chill.

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, I remember Zero candy bars -- and I remember spending lots of time at the pool in the summer. Nice post, Deanna!

Anne Mackle said...

I've never had a zero candy bar does zero mean there's no calories in it? Well does in finishing off the challenge I'm glad I found your blog.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I've never heard of, or had, a Zero bar!! I'll have to keep a look out for one.

I loved sailing in the summertime. I really, really miss it too!!! Someday I'll be on the water again!