Monday, July 6, 2009

Hey baby – It’s your birthday!


Happy Birthday dear hubby Jim.  CHEERS!  Here’s to another 57 years.  Ok, that’s probably not realistic, so here’s to as many good years as the good Lord gives to us.



We went shopping with our son, Greg, and his family yesterday.  Jim’s birthday is today and Alicia (Greg’s wife) celebrates her birthday on Wednesday.  After wandering around Menards (yea I know it was hard to handle such excitement) and Bass Pro (an outdoors man’s delight), we walked across the way to the Lone Star Steakhouse.  I’ll have to say the food was really good.  The company was even better.


Here is Greg and Reagan getting ready to go inside Lone Star.  Reagan was pretty fed up with the whole experience.  She wanted food and she wanted it now!!!!


I know I get carried away with snapping pictures and embarrass the whole lot of them sometimes, so I only took one shot inside the restaurant and of course everyone except Allen (in his brand new hat that grandma and grandpa bought him) was looking up.  Wake up Greg, food is on its way!

All and all it was a nice relaxing day.  That’s a good thing because the real birthday day of today is turning out rather crappy for Jim.  The nursing home is trying to move a roommate in with his mom and she is kicking ass and taking names.  They have threatened to kick her out but we hope we found a solution.  We took her to get a perm while they move things around.  They took us up on our suggestion to move her to a new room where she is the “newbie” rather  than moving someone into her room.  Then she would no longer feel like she is protecting her space.  I knew they were making a huge mistake letting her have a room to herself for all of these months just  because they could.  Now that they need her to share, she is having none of it.  Pray things settle down and she gets to stay.  This is a really nice place and it would be very traumatic to move her.

That goes back to the “here’s to another 57 years”.  Bleh!  Who needs it if you don’t have a good mind, hurt all the time and are pissed at the world.


AliceKay said...

Happy Birthday wishes to Jim and to Alicia. I'm glad the meals were good at the Lone Star Steakhouse. Never been to one of those...they don't have them around here. Terri's birthday is Sunday...not even sure what to get him yet although I have an idea.

I hope things settle down with Jim's mom and she can get used to a new room along with a new roommate. My grandmother had a rough time with one of her roommates one time. This woman used to hit my grandmother, as frail as she was, and leave black and blues on her. We got that woman out of her room and moved to another but it took awhile. My grandmother had her mind but her body gave out on her. She passed away at the age of 91 in 1994.

Intense Guy said...

Happy Birthday Jim!

Happy Birthday Alicia!

Wow! That glass of Iced Tea is HUGE!!! Its bigger than Greg's arm!

Menards? like in hardware store? did you watch the nails rust? I'd probably like wandering around in a Menards.

Deanna said...

((((AK)))) Thanks. We bought Jim a used wood chipper for his birthday. I know... boring... but it is what he asked for. We haven't heard any more from the home since the switch was made. Evelyn is normally a very mild mannered person so I can only imagine how upset she had gotten for them to have called us. I'm praying everything works out.

(((((Iggy))))) That was my glass of tea and no I wasn't able to drink it all. I wasn't able to eat all of my food either, but I never am. I think the portions of food given by restaurants is insane and a big problem with the supersizing of America. If they would reduce the portions they could lower the prices and we would all be much better off in the long run! Yep hardware store Menards. Greg and Jim were in testosterone heaven. Alicia and I played in the lawn and garden area.

The Wife O Riley said...

Happy Birthday Jim and Alicia! Mine is on Sunday but I don't think a celebration is in order.

That was a very good suggestion to move Jim's mom. That way it wasn't her territory first.

MarmiteToasty said...

Happy Birthday to you....
Squashed tomatoes and stew....
Bread and butter in the gutter....
Happy Birthday to you.....

there ya go, a traditional british birthday song LOL...

Say NO to iced tea.... steaming hot with milk and no sugar fanks very much.......

You doodles sure do eat out alot lol. mind you, it was a birthday treat so thats different :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby!

I hope your mom settles in quickly.

Toriz said...

Happy birthday to Jim.

Hope things settle down with his Mom.

jewelzmomof4 said...

Well I already said happy birthday to daddy but I had to comment on the grandma situation. I hope everything works out there. But all I can do at the moment is picture Grandma and all her glory cusing up a storm at those people there telling them exactly how it is and how it is going to stay. LOL I know it wasn't funny at the time but pictureing all that makes me laugh. But if there is anything you all need me to do to help wth Grandma let me know. Love You!!!

LadyStyx said...

Happy Birthday Jim and Alicia!

Good thinking on mom. I think WoR is right on that. Not to compare her to our "kids", but that's why we made sure not to introduce a cat to the apartment, we waited until we moved. Then the territory was pretty much neutral for both and neither would act out.

Mmmm tea. Hot or cold, unsweet, I'll add my own thanks...hold that white pollution. ew. Lemon? Please!

Deanna said...

hot or cold, unsweet and always lemon :)