Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Awards Night

We went to an awards ceremony last night.  It was much better than the CMA awards.  The Grammy’s had nothing on this award ceremony.  Not even close.

This awards ceremony highlighted the accomplishments of our future.  We had front row seats.  We weren’t in the chairs on the floor, they were reserved for the honorees, but we were front row bleacher seaters (I know, it isn’t a word, but I’m going to use it anyway).


The excitement was rippling through the gymnasium.  Little Reagan could hardly contain herself. 

Awards were given out to all.  But not everyone got the same award.  This is important, because each child is individual and needs to be recognized for their individuality.  A pet peeve of mine is the mindset that seems to be permeating throughout our society that no matter the effort, everyone gets recognized the same.  Every child deserves to be recognized, but each for their individuality – not as a lump of one in a bag. 


Allen tends to day dream.  As he admired the awards already given out, his teacher called his name.  Then she called it again.  A L L E N.  He looked up at her and grinned, “Oh, me?”  Yea you.  He’s adorable.  Proud Grandma adorable. 

The gymnasium lights were bright.  I was a ways from the stage.  My flash was flashing, but the distance was too great.



I tried a different tactic with the camera and turned the flash off, slowing the shutter speed.  Usually I would say this was a poor picture, but not this time.  To me, this blurry pictures shows the individuality of these kids the best.  Some moving faster than others.  Some sharing.  Others admiring their award on their own.  But every one of them in motion at their own speed.

allen award

Congratulations Allen on your awards, especially for your Awesome Reading Award.  Grandpa and I are very proud of you.  Keep on reading!  Books open a world to you that you could never travel to in your lifetime without them.


Anonymous said...

It's so important to instill good reading habits in our children. Congratulations to Allen on a job well done!


junyah said...

Very Good, very good, and i like you don;t see the idera of praising a child that didn't hit the ball, instead he swung and struck out. but they gave him a Big woow and praised him for being brave to get up to bat.My son when he was in little league, there was a kid that got up to bat and he swung twice and then they threw two strikes by him before the Empire finally said sorry son but your out. Strike four your out . lol Take care Lady . HUgs miss u Jr

Flat Creek Farm said...

What adorable kiddos! And I like your creative shot :) Congrats, Allen!

Toriz said...

Congrats to Alan. And what a great award to get! Reading is good... Especially for a daydreamer. I hope Alan continues to read and enjoy books. :)

Funny in My Mind said...

Great of you to go see the show!
I miss those kids awards thingys, mine got the math award in 7th and 8th and now they don't give them out in high school til they graduate and then they get awards for college scholarships.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Gooooo Allen!!!! Awesome!!!

Bella's awards are on Friday. I will probably cry. Thomas definitely will!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the awardees!!

I loved your slow motion picture and what a wonderful way to describe it punkn, it brought tears to my eyes I can't agree more with you about kids being noticed for the individuality :o)


AliceKay said...

Those are the best kinds of awards shows!

Allen sure looks proud of his Awesome Reading Award. Way to go, Allen. Grandmas are allowed to be doubly proud. I can hardly wait until Ryan is in school. :)

Thanks for sharing your pics, and your family, with us.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What a proud moment for Alan and Grandma and Grandpa!

betty said...

WTG Allen!!! that is fantastic that you are a reader!! Like your Grandma said, reading opens up so many great adventures!!

guess with the awards ceremony it means the end of school is coming up! I bet everyone will be happy for lazy summer days ahead :)


Intense Guy said...

Congrats Allen!!!

You got great pictures - on account the subjects are such good ones!