Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Stuff

Another week.  Gone!  Time is flying by me.  The on and off rain has really been cramping my style – and wrecking havoc with my flowers.
Many years ago (29 to be exact) we lived in town in a house that was 60 or so years old.  We loved that old house, but the country was calling.  The previous owners had lined the property line with peony bushes.  Deep blood red and glorious pink peony bushes.  We dug about every other bush up and transplanted them to my parent’s yard when we sold the house.  It took years for us to finally transplant some of them to our own place.  But they haven’t grown well here.  And have never bloomed.  Until this year.
My peonies!  I am thrilled.  I was hoping the bush I ended up with would be the deep red one, but now I don’t care at all.  Peonies invoke memories of home, grandmas, and fun. 
I snuck outside in between rain showers to get a picture.
As a child, I’d always run out to cut a bouquet of flowers, only to be told they had to stay on the porch because of the ants and bugs.
So, today, the peonies still stay on the porch.  They need ants to reveal their many colors.  A few days on the porch and the ants are all gone.  But unfortunately, so are the petals.  Anyway, I love peonies.
Grandson Austin had a toothache, and I had the privilege of taking him to the dentist.  What a kid!  What a dentist!   
This almost 5 year old (Sunday is the day) walked right in, climbed up into the chair, and opened wide.
austin at dentist
It turned out he had several cavities – one too deep to fix, with the six year molar pushing its way through.  That one needed to come out.  The dentist wanted to also fill one, and put a spacer in.  Wow, that is a lot of work for a little guy like him to manage. 
We had to decide whether to go for it, with the help of laughing gas, or schedule a trip to out patient surgery.  I took one look at how relaxed Austin still was after already having many x-rays taken and said, “let’s do it”. 
austin at dentist2
Let’s do it was definitely the right decision.  He laid back, started breathing in the laughing gas and relaxed even more.  At one point he said, “I feel like I’m inside a toothbrush”.  Ok, Austin.  Whatever. 
After he was given the shot to numb the world of his mouth, we waited… And waited… And waited…  Every so often I would watch the dentist prick Austin’s gum and say “do you feel this”.  Austin would always say, “yes”.  Another prick, another yes.  Only, the dentist hadn’t touched his gum.  We looked at each other and I nodded, the nurse nodded, the dentist nodded.  The real work began!  That little mouth was open for an eternity. 
The laughing gas was supposed to be out of his system by the time we left the office, but I’m not buying that.  His treat for being so good was a shopping trip for a toy.  I parked my car at Wal-Mart and Austin said, “I think I’ll just wait in the car”.  I don’t think so!  We both went in and bought a toy and soft goodies.
THEY promised sunshine today.  THEY had better be right, because I already have 4 loads of laundry on the clothes line.  Heading in to work for a few hours, a workout and then hopefully a quiet weekend.
Oh, and the bathroom is coming along great!  All of the fixtures are here except the mirror.  The floor is done.  The bead board is up and ready for painting.  The plumber is supposed to come today.  I’m not sure where we are going to find four strong men to help get cast iron tub from the garage into the bathroom.  I do believe we are going to have a pizza party.  (hint, hint, kids)  And how are they going to bend that cast iron tub around a doorway off a hallway?  Stay tuned.


Together We Save said...

Oh I hate the dentist... I have to get gas just to get my teeth cleaned! Wimp.. I know!

Your flowers are beautiful!

Intense Guy said...

Beautiful Peonis! I read somewhere they actually need ants to flower properly... From what I seen of them, they sure do seem to attract them.

Yes, another week gone... and in another week, it will be another year gone... :) Someone having a birthday and all - (hint, hint to your readers...)

Cast Iron tubs aren't very bendy. I want to hear how its done!

Funny in My Mind said...

I need to stake my peonies because they sag to the ground and then it always rains and they look a mess!
It has rained since i got up today but I think it has slowed a bit.

Toriz said...

Sounds like an eventful day.

Austin's a brave little man!

Anonymous said...

What an absolute trooper he is! The kid has more nerve than I do... I ALWAYS ask for the gas, and the stuff they swab on to numb my gums.

Love that last photo... it almost looks romantic!

(enjoy your week-end!!)

Anonymous said...

Well now you have done it Punkn, I must absolutely go out and see if I can find me a peony because they are absolutely beautiful (Lord knows I have enough ants out here for them) and what a lovely memory to have, your lil grandson looked so cute in the dentist chair with his gas mask on bless his heart Im glad all went well for him and you :o) The picture of the flower and candle at the end is just breath taking wonderful job taking that picture, thanks for sharing hugsss

AliceKay said...

Beautiful bright and colorful.

Austin was a real trooper. I had to laugh at the pricking part. Kids will be kids. I wish I could have laughing gas when I went to the dentist. I hate dentists and I leave inprints in the back of the chair when I get up.

Can't wait to see pics of your bathroom remodeling. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely nature on top,
brave little young boy on the bottom,
best wishes!
Thanks for the reflective and good willed post!

betty said...

what a great memory with the peonies and such a pretty flower! I'm glad that it bloomed this year for you :)

Grandson was indeed a trooper for enduring all that work at the dentist; I tell you, these kids have it so "good" when they go these days with all the dentists offer for their comfort; but that is good because it makes them enjoy going to get their teeth taken care of

hope it is a sunny weekened for you!


The Tablescaper said...

Those peonies are amazing. Just glorious!!!

- The Tablescaper

Queenie Jeannie said...

So much awesome stuff in one post!!

GORGEOUS flowers!

Super brave grandson!

Weather looks promising (fingers crossed!)

Can't wait to see your bathroom!

I'd love to sip tea with you on your porch!!!!!

junyah said...

Beautifull flowers , i cant get a thing started here, i bought tomatoes and that upside down thing to put them in and the wertherman said we were going to have a cold night but it was surpose to be around 35...well try about 26 the next morning and yes they froose to death along with my panseys i had too.well enough complaining that Young man was being as Brave as he could to show his Grandma what a good little man he is and He can be very Proud of him.. Hugs u Jr

Vicki Lane said...

Good for Austin! And how beautiful your ponies are! I need to go pick some of mine right now!