Friday, February 27, 2009

Frustration of the Self Taught

I'm a closet computer geek. Most of what I know I taught myself. My boss at church thinks he has a gem because I'm not scared to try anything and he doesn't have to pay a Computer Technology salary and yet gets the benefits. Boy oh boy. Right now I think he'd be better off spending the big bucks.

A little over a year ago we decided I would teach myself web design and create a web site for church. Ok, I'm game. So I research the software and (stupidly) picked the one that looked to be the easiest to learn and as it turned out was also the cheapest. Cool! I got myself a trusty self help book and I was quickly on my way to our very own web site.

Now fast forward to the present. Last week I did my usual web updates and poof - no way Jose'. It wasn't going to work. So I called my web hoster (is that a word?) I was told they had done some tweaking and that the extensions used by Front Page would no longer work. Something about security. I'm not too happy, but what can I do? So I try to tweak things, I fail, and the web page is down.


I might mention here that the other mistake I made was I chose a fellow parishioner's small business to host the web page. I spent time off and on all week trying to tweak things so I could get ANYTHING on the web and it just wouldn't work. FINALLY they call me back today and tell me that Front Page will no longer work. They claim that it won't work on any provider's site any longer, not just theirs. I'm having trouble believing this, but I don't know whether it is true or not. After biting my tongue, I finally let loose and gave them an earful as an unhappy customer only can.

They knew they were going to make these changes. They knew customers (not just me) would be impacted. It would have been so simple to have sent out a notice, email, made a telephone call. Something.


I am now back to the drawing board.

Here is what I bought. I almost went with Dreamweaver the first go around but it is a much more dynamic program than Front Page (which is a nice way of saying it will do more but will be more difficult to learn).

I bought this to go with it.
I almost bought the Dreamweaver for Dummy book, but that word Dummy... hmmmm... I ain't no Dummy!
This book boldly claims I will learn Dreamweaver in 24 hours. Maybe I can take them to court when that doesn't happen....
Anyway, wish me luck.
I'm going to need it!


LadyStyx said...

Good luck! Im one of the easily frustrated and no amount of manuals (Dummy's, Idiot's or otherwise) help me. I get about a chapter or 3 in and get bored and end up just pushing buttons (what's this do?). I usually never manage to ever read the manuals and they just sit and collect dust...

ChicagoLady said...

Sounds like you've had your share of frustration already. Good luck with the new program. Sometimes I find I learn things better when I teach myself.

Deanna said...

yea Styxie I hear ya, but I use the manuals more as a reference guide. I'm one to grab buttons and do the trial and error thingy

And Chicago that is me. If I teach myself, I remember what I learned. It is the school of hard knocks but it sticks.

Anonymous said...

Good luck... I've heard good things about your choice in software...

The Blue Ridge Gal

The Wife O Riley said...

Good Luck! I'm not a techie or anything, but I have always had good luck with Adobe.

I just bought a Blogging for Dummies thinking that it would teach me some tricks, I haven't been able to understand it yet. I might be at moron level.

Karla said...

I've never been good with trying those kind of things but I am sure that you can do it..You know James still has that banner maker you sent him 5 or 6 years ago!!

Toriz said...

They should have at least sent out an e-mail or something...

I think they mean "within 24 hours if you do nothing else... Not even breaks to eat, sleep, or even empty the bladder." So unless you can make that commitment and still not learn how to work at least most of the programme then I don't think you'd have a case. ;) lol!

Good luck with it!

rebel said...

Good luck! How frustratin', it sounds about like the kind of luck I have.

AliceKay said...

How are you doing with the program so far? Figure out how to use it? Shortly after I got my new computer, I went to a book store at the mall and bought "Windows Vista All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies". Guess what? I think I'm a dummy. LOL

Deanna said...

I'll have to give an update on Dreamweaver next week. I've been reviewing the book but I won't actually load the program and start using it until tomorrow. I will conquer!!!!!

Intense Guy said...

*sighs* ...I love me a sexy closet computer geek...

I'll wish ya luck Punkn but ehh.. you won't need it... you probably got it half conquered already and are all set to teach me how. I never even figured out FrontPage.

Deanna said...

lol iggy you are such a pathetic liar

I actually considered calling you and call it a day... but then you were on vacation (or holiday as our trusty european bloggies say it)

And I am still pissed... the guy had the nerve to call me gorgeous last time I sa him.. I laid into him (I told you I have a temper...)

MarmiteToasty said...

what is a computer?
