Friday, February 13, 2009

It just ain't right

We walk a fine line these days. The rules are tougher than ever and yet the danger and violence is greater. We, our government, our teachers, parents, and society as a whole are doing something seriously wrong.

I feel very strongly that the root of the problem is that we are not held accountable for our actions. We have been taught and are teaching our children that they are not to blame for their actions. A perfect example of that is the government bailouts and the idiot lady who chose to have 14 kids she cannot support. We should all be held accountable for our actions.

My 12 year old grandson is spending a few days with us. Why? He has been suspended from school for three days? Why? He got tired of being bullied and hit another kid. The teacher admits this has been going on for two months. The other child has been teasing Travis and continually takes his things. Travis asked to be moved but the teacher "didn't get around to it". Travis finally took things into his own hands and punched the kid. Twenty, thirty years ago it never would have gotten this far. Travis would have confronted the kid on the playground after the first time he picked on him, they would have scuffled and the problem would have been solved. Julie talked to the Principle and she admits it shouldn't have gotten to this point but she has no choice but to suspend Travis since he started the fight. But did he?

Anyway, I'm back to the beginning of my post. People should be held resonsible for their actions. Travis started a fight and he is suspended. We support that. He is with us so he can work during his suspension. He will be raking leaves and helping Jim cut and haul wood. But what about the teacher who didn't do her job? Or the child who kept picking at Travis in the first place?

I'll have to admit I'm going to enjoy having him here for a few days. He and I have a very special bond and he talks to me when he clams up for everyone else. That is the other reason Julie has asked if he can spend some time with us. She knows he opens up and talks through things with me.


Jess said...

You're completely right - I'm not so sure about the having a fight in the playground, but it's certainly terrible that the teacher did nothing, and that the other child recieved no punishment. That just isn't fair.

Deanna said...

I was kinda kidding about the fight on the playground, Jess, but kids were able to work out their differences years ago without really doing damage to each other, and now it just doesn't seem to happen that way.

Deanna said...

Oh! And welcome back to blogging. I thought you took a well deserved break. Will check you out again!

Anonymous said...

I'd have socked the kid too since the teacher chose inaction. Sorry, but that's just me....

The Blue Ridge Gal

Karla said...

I agree with you 100% Punkn. I see it everyday. and they always want to blame their situation, their financial problems, their wife, husband children neighbors. It's getting to the point that the world has gone to hell in a handbasket!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hate to say it, but I'm GLAD your grandson stood up for himself. Bullies just don't "get" any other message. Now everyone will know he's not just going to sit there and take it anymore. I hope this will put an end to the torment. Enjoy these days with him!

ChicagoLady said...

I agree with Jeannie. However, the boy who was bullying him, will know that he can get away with it without punishment. Yes, he got socked in the jaw for it, but he'll just move on to some other scared kid and do it until he retaliates like Travis did.

The parents need to be involved, but unfortunately, they probably won't do anything. Enjoy your weekend with Travis, I hope he learned that violence doesn't always solve your problems.

The Wife O Riley said...

Is there a "no-bullying" policy? I know at Emerson's school if there is even the slightest sign of bullying, parents are called in, conferences are scheduled and the ball get rolling to get things resolved.

AliceKay said...

The teacher should somehow be disciplined for her inaction to the problem. There are too many "bullies" in this world. :\

I hope you and Travis have a wonderful weekend together.

Jess said...

It's nice to be back here!
I'm beginning to remember how much time enthusiastic blogging takes up. good thing it's half-term break.
I'm loving every hour.

Toriz said...

So, the teachers wont do anything, but when he tries to they punish him? That's not right! If they'd clamped down like that on the other kid in the first place... Or, if they'd just left the lads to sort it out by themselves... Then it wouldn't have gotten this far, and Travis wouldn't be getting punished just for defending himself.

Reminds me of a case I heard about where a burglar broke in to a house, the person in it hurt him while defending themselves, and the burglar took them to court and won compensation for the injuries recieved.

It's wrong!

LadyStyx said...

We were always told not to start the fight, but if push came to shove...we were allowed to finish it. Sad that the teacher didnt do anything to fix the problem before it got to this point.