Friday, March 13, 2009

Bloggy friends are always right

If you haven't read my previous post, be sure to do so before reading this one. Reading the comments also is a must.

Blogging my feelings helped me feel better. Your comments helped me feel even better! Thank you for the comments. I stewed and spewed and pondered. What to do, what to do.

I finally decided Marmie was right...

Take a nine iron and bend it around their golfing heads :) and shove a putter up their bums.... that will sort them out..

I dug my vintage 70's golf clubs out of the recesses of my basement. They clanged awfully loud when I dumped them onto the concrete, looking for the nine iron. Oh shit, Jim heard that. He wanted to know what I was doing. For some reason he thought I was making a big mistake and hid my nine iron, the big bully. So I asked him what he would do... His reply - and I quote...

F#%k em and feed em fish heads...

OK, I guess that is another way to go.... So here is what I really did. I sent an email to Rita. It said,

Hey lady,

Was Niki's gift from the Pokeno group? If so, I owe someone some money. I probably came across as uncaring when I didn't hug Niki, but I felt awkward. I didn't know who the flowers were from and didn't want to make it seem they were from me if they were from you, Pam and Barb. Carol looked about as bewildered as I was! Just let me know.

Once I read your comments and had calmed down I realized there was the remotest possibility that I had been included and didn't know it. I over reacted and am glad I blogged rather than reacted hastily. Rita hasn't responded yet (she's not much on checking her email). I'm moving on. I'll decide next month whether I continue joining PoKeNo. My own blog made me realize how little I like it. I think I'll just spend more time with Jim and ... feed em fish heads.


LadyStyx said...

You're right, sometimes it's best to put it in here first. Several other pairs of eyes on the situation can help alot. I love Jim's response though....

The Wife O Riley said...

I'm sorry that I've been sort of "comment absent" lately. I do think you did the right thing. It sometimes really helps to write about it first to get your feeling sorted out and get other opinions at the same time. My mother has a similar problem with her Bonco friends.

Karla said...

That's what we are here for! To listen and respond! As you told me...That's what blogs are for! To get responses is great and they always help calm us down! LOL My response has always been *f*** em feed em fish* It's a great response!!!

Intense Guy said...


Did you know that the nine iron is probably the most common and produced club of all clubs? Every beginner's set has one and many beginners find the sport impossible. Since this is the case, a lot of nine irons happen to turn up at garage sales for the most miniscule of prices, I've seen them marked for as low as 25 cents. Yes, 25 cents! And if you don't see one within 4-5 garage sales, you need to have your eyes checked since there had to have been one for sale somewhere. :)

Of course, Jim would know what became of all the fish heads from the fish he prep'ed for the church dinner. If I recall correctly there must of been hundreds of them if not thousands. I suspect those fish heads would be suitably "ripe" now, for serving.

The PoKeNo group will soon find how much they miss you - and it will be their loss.


Iggy aka Abby

Intense Guy said...

P.s., Somehow, I just can't help but to think Jopete would have liked Marmite Toasty's solution and Marmite Toasty too.

Toriz said...

I'm glad blogging about it and reading our comments helped you to figure out what to do. *hugs*

MarmiteToasty said...

Better still take the nine iron and the fish heads get your man to toss the heads into the air and take a swing at them with the nine iron :)


Deanna said...

Not sure what I'd do without the bunch of you!

LOL Karla, then the feed em fish isn't just a Missouri thing, huh.
Styxie I'll bet you would come up with some good ones...

Wifey tell your mom to talk to you and take your advice. It helps to have a younger point of view.

Iggy, You are always so sweet. They probably won't even miss me. I've seen many cheap golf clubs at garage sales but 25 cents? Pete would have loved Marmie and would have agreed with every word she says. His wife called me this afternoon to talk. She's still missing him, but doing good.

Marmie you are so bad. What a stinky mess that would be!

AliceKay said...

LMAO....'F#%k em and feed em fish heads'. Priceless! LMAO

You worded that email with finesse, Punkn. I'm curious as to what her response will be. Please let us know.

ChicagoLady said...

Dang, and here I was expecting Iggy to sing the "Fish Heads" song to you, Punkn!

I think you did the right thing with your email. Hopefully she will respond with an appropriate amount of guilt for leaving you and Carol out of the gift. And if not, you know they weren't true friends anyway.
