Saturday, March 28, 2009

We are free because of thee

First of all I want to say THANK YOU to all of our men and women who have or are serving our country. It is because of you that we are still the land of the free.

I took my dad to the Dr. Thursday. Dad has become quite frail and nothing much perks him up these days. The Dr. was asking him questions and asked if he ever smoked. The answer was when he was a teen and in his 20's he had smoked for about 15 years. The Dr. said "I'll bet that was when you were in the service". For the first time in a long time I saw a light shine in dad's eyes. It was pride I was seeing. He responded that he had served in WWII. As the Dr. prodded and probed he asked him what branch of service.... "Airforce" and where were you stationed... "Guam"

As I listened to them from a distance, I felt such pride. Pride in my dad and in my country. It is because of people like him and all others who are willing to fight for us that we are free.

So, thank you Dad! And thank you to all of our fighting men and women, past, present and future. We owe you our lives.


Queenie Jeannie said...

God bless your father!! Please thank him for us, for his service!!!!

Intense Guy said...

*Salutes the Air Force veteran with awe and respect*

From what I've read of Guam during WWII it must of been a most interesting (if not Gosh-forsaken) place. The old old North and Northwest Fields that became Andersen Air Force Base was home to a huge number of B-29s.

Your Dad might enjoy this link, Punkn

ChicagoLady said...

Wow, those pictures of your dad remind me of the pictures of my own dad during WWII.

God bless all our soldiers, present and future. If not for them, we would not be the greatest country on Earth.

The Wife O Riley said...

Wonderful pictures and wonderful post.

My grandfather was a Marine Raider stationed in the South Pacific. Unfortunately, he never spoke about the war and passed away when I was too young to ask the right questions.

Matt's dad was in the Air Force stationed in the Phillipines and Japan.

Toriz said...

It's just a shame it has to come down to wars before things can be resolved.

rebel said...

My dad was a Marine Raider in the South Pacific durin' WWll.

My Mother-In-Law was a Navy nurse stationed at Corona Naval Hospital in California durin' WWll.

My son is in the Army stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas.

Please tell your Father thank you from my family and I. We truly do appreciate what he did for each of us.

My dad talked a lot about his time in the War, especially in his later years. Some of it good and some not so good but I could tell it was something that he was proud of and somethin' he needed to talk about.

LadyStyx said...

Wonderful share. Big *HUGZ* and thanks to your dad for his service to our country!

AliceKay said...

Many thanks to your dad and to the men and women who have served, or are serving, our country with honor. I'm glad to hear your dad had the chance to let his eyes shine for awhile.

Loved the pics.

Karla said...

What a heart warming blog! Thank you to your father! My dad was in the Army and he was also stationed in Guam and the Phillipines in WWII. He always seemed to come to life when he talked about those days!

Anonymous said...

Guam was one of the worest fighting threaters in the pacific. After being bombed day and night for 2 days, the troups were sent to shore only to be stopped at the beach with a hail of fire fro mthe hills in the background. the japenese were dug in but good,The landing partys would gain about a 3 feet only to loss 2. well you get the picture. my dad was in germany the battle of the buldge. he talked to his brother a lot about it, his brother was infantey, my father artlrey. my family forthe most part were all service members. myself i was navy. it was the best time of my life andif i had been smart back then i would have made a carear of it .Thanks to your dad my dad and all the dads out they we speack ENGLISH..Albert Springer sn/3 service officer american legion post 128 and second distist...

junyah said...

I had to post that anonymous, guess the post isnt up yet. and its 9;04 eastern time sunday ,3/29/09...JR

MarmiteToasty said...

Fank you MrHood..... fank you for all you did....

And to all of those still doing what you did and those that did it with you....

to many dids? lol


MarmiteToasty said...



Deanna said...

Thanks for the comments all!
Iggy, I will share that site with dad next time he is here. Thank you for it.

Marmie I went to your link and at first thought it was a joke. Those big boobs bending over that almost 113 year old man could have killed him! Good story dear.