Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who to blame...

I'm still feeling like shit. And I don't know who to blame.

Jim's been battling this achy snotty crud for over a week now.

I watched 18 month old Reagan Tuesday and Wednesday while her fever raged and she took every opportunity to show me how good she has gotten at sharing kisses and snot.

My dear boss uses my phone and my computer every morning before he heads into town to the office where he officially works. He could barely talke last time I talked to him. I bought sanitizing wipes but.... I forgot to use them.

So who do I blame?

*looks in the mirror*

There is only one person to blame. ME!

I did go to work yesterday long enough to get the bulletin done and return phone calls. Then I came back home and crawled back into bed. I'm going to try my darndest to stay upright today - well maybe after I lay back down for a bit...


Intense Guy said...


Sorry you still aren't feeling better. I hope your boss and Jim start feeding you (and Reagan) Chicken Soup!

Get well soon, Punkn!

MarmiteToasty said...

Sending you some of my STILL green snot, that will make you feel better :) its thick enough to mould into shapes lol it will give you something to do whilst your poorly :)


AliceKay said...

I've had "something" for a long time now. Not sure if it's allergy related or what it is. I hope you feel better soon, Punkn. *hugs*

The Wife O Riley said...

Oh, I am so sorry! Some days I think Howard Hughes had it right.

LadyStyx said...

Awwww *HUGZ*

Time for a trip to the dr.

junyah said...

there was one call that didn't get returned....sorry.... Get well Punkies. . HUgs...

ChicagoLady said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Punkn! It's no fun when you're sick and no one takes care of you but you. I agree with Iggy, maybe Jim could fix you some yummy soup?

Toriz said...

You can blame anyone you want, but it wont do much to help you get better. lol!