Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Here, there and everywhere

As bloggers, we all live for comments – well at least I do. It feels good to know that someone, somewhere is reading my nonsense. And often sometimes I’m amazed at the directions the comments take. One thought leads to another, and another, and yet another.

Most, if not all, of my bloggy friends read Intenseguy's blog. Iggy has the greatest imagination and sense of humor and never misses an opportunity to make me smile and often laugh out loud.

If you haven’t read my previous post, just scroll down and look at the pictures. Nothing unusual about them – just pictures.

My good friend Iggy commented (in part)…

“I wish I could walk all those paths - 'cept I'd have big white eyeballs all popped out bugeyed looking around for Whiskey...”

To which my other bestest friend, who also never misses an opportunity to make me smile, Junyah replied…

“IggY wAntS to Be a dog CatCher ..?? lol oH i see how it works, you place a cone and wait....lol”

And lo and behold I find my yard transformed over night!

I don’t guess anyone can guess what master photoshopper sent me this OCHA picture…


Thank you Iggy for the Doctored photo. Gotta luv it!


Karla said...

LOL great post Deanna...I really loved it..made me laugh at the picture and made a bright spot in my day :-) thanks

The Wife O Riley said...

LOL!!! So, how does it work? When the dog lifts his leg on an OCHA then it grabs him?

Intense Guy said...

*Giggles inanely (or is that insanely?)*

You know the old "Kilroy was Here" graffiti? This is like the same thing, except "Whiskey went Here".

:) I always read your blog Punkn - good times and bad - and I think of all the blogs I read regularly - your's is the one that has come the furthest in terms of style, appearance, and content in the past year or so.

Who would have thought things would be like they are today - when you started on Monday, November 5, 2007?

AliceKay said...

Cool pic. (Whiskey looks a bit surprised, tho)

LadyStyx said...

Oh heavens! And here I was all set to say "It weren't me! HONEST!" *whew*

Dunno what's worse....being surrounded by OCHAs or Charlies. Oh..how about OCHA riding Charlies. Oh no...that would take it in another whole twisted way...nevermind...

Queenie Jeannie said...

You guys crack me up!! LOVE IT!

Deanna said...

It made my day too, Karla when I opened my email and found the photo from Iggy :)
LOL Becky, those OCHA's are gonna have to grow arms, or do they maybe bend over and scoop him up...
(((((Iggy))))) what a nice thing to say. Keeping up with the blog talent I am surrounded by is a challenge. I often shake my head at the stories and what folks come up with. Have I really been blogging over a year now? Dang! I didn't even realize it!
LOL AK - who wouldn't be surprised...
Styxie you are a prime candidate - that doctored photo is exactly something you'd come up with. And now you've done it... putting thoughts in Iggy's head again.. shame, shame, shame....
Most of us are just old farts clowning around, Jeannie... oh wait.. I think I'm the only old fart :0

junyah said...

i Think they'er all great reading.Its what makes it fun.When somebodys feeling down ,well time to say hi and give a smile and a hug.When the times are good. then we laugh..

ChicagoLady said...

I hope you weren't planning on using those cones to give driving lessons to the grandkids, lol.

Whiskey does look surprised, like..."I was just out here a minute ago, and I swear these cones weren't here!"

sexy41 said...

I love the picture, made me laugh. I have always enjoyed all your posts Deanna.

Lainie said...

LOL the whole OCHA thing really has an entire life of it's own, doesn't it? I even have George referring to Orange Cones as OCHA's now...all because I had to explain why I was taking pics of them in Canada. LMAO

Intense Guy said...

Oh noooooooooooooooo LadyStyx... don't doooooooooooo that to meeeeeeeeeee....!!!



Toriz said...

Gotta love Iggy's imagination. :)