Saturday, April 4, 2009

Loose Tooth


If it was that time of year for Jolly Ole’ St. Nick to come around, granddaughter Anna Rose would be singing “All I want for Christmas…”

I wonder if the Easter Bunny has any magical powers along those lines…

I should have fixed corn on the cob today and helped this child out.  She has one more tooth hanging by who knows what and she wouldn’t let anyone pull it.  So I snapped pictures of her worrying away at it.

loose tooth1

loose tooth4

loose tooth2

loose tooth3

loose tooth

I just hope she doesn’t swallow the little pearl while she sleeps tonight!


ChicagoLady said...

Good thing it's the Tooth Fairy that rewards children when they lose a tooth, instead of Santa, otherwise she'd have to wait almost 9 months to get paid for it.

LadyStyx said...

Me thinks it's time for a bologna sammich...

rebel said...

She is a DOLL! I just love the way they look when they loose all their front teeth. So cute! And the way they talk, OMG it is so adorable!
In that last picture she looks just like my niece when she was little.

Toriz said...

What's the going rate for teeth nowadays? I used to get 20p (40 cents) for a front tooth and 50p ($1) for a back tooth. Just wondered if the going rate for teeth has increased as much as the price of everything else seems to have increased. LOL!

Queenie Jeannie said...

IF she will let you, use a kleenex. It works the best!! I had to help a neighbor out when the Mom wasn't allowed close but a neighbor would do, lol! I'm not looking forward to this part with Bella.

Intense Guy said...

Awwww, she's such a cutie even making the odd faces! LOL!

I tink eye gotsa dime lat time I lot a toot-da.

Looks at Tori and feels old.

Deanna said...

I'm pretty sure the going rate is $1 (yep, the tooth fairy got hit by inflation too).

My kids got 25 cents and sometimes it was hard to come up with that in the 70's and early 80's.

Grandpa has what they all refer to as "the magic handkerchief" but Anna has pulled everyone of her own teeth (more like kept them til they fall out), and this one will be no exception.

AliceKay said...

She's an adorable little girl. Did the tooth come out yet?

Karla said...

What a beauty! I remember those days of the front teeth being out. All I got was a nickle...could buy me a whole bag of candy to help rot the new ones LOL