Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rain… Forest…


I was hoping for a speck of sunshine so I could snap a nice bright picture of the marriage of my red buds and dogwood trees.  The contrast of the two always amaze me.

redbuds and dogwoods 003

But…. NO sunshine - so for today you get only a soggy picture with a promise of sunny day pictures SOON (I hope).

And what you also get is a dose of where my mind goes when it rains for too long of a time – and that my friends is the Rainforest of Dominica.  Imagine trees forming a canopy so thick overhead that even though it is raining, you aren’t getting wet.  That is a rain forest.  The water in the stream leading to the waterfall was crystal clear.  The scenery overlooking the countryside as we strayed from the beaten path was breathtaking.

So, on this oh so dreary, rainy day, I thought it would be nice to share some of my Dominica Rainforest pictures.  I hope you enjoy them.



IMG_1113 - Copy



I walked the narrow path to behind the waterfall for this picture.  Why I didn’t take a picture of the path is beyond me, but I didn’t…  I was scared at first – the path was a combination of small and boulder type rocks and they were WET.  I expected to slip and slide all the way, but strangely, the rocks were not slick at all.  I am a chicken at heart when it comes to things like this, so I was secretly proud of myself for venturing forward.  I was disappointed nobody took a picture of me proudly standing under the waterfall.  But, I can’t blame Jim this time… I had the camera.  Proof is the picture of him that I took from my side of the waterfall.












LadyStyx said...


ChicagoLady said...


What beautiful pictures!!!!!

You were very brave to go behind the waterfall. And got some great pictures to boot!

AliceKay said...

I was gonna say what Chicagolady said, so will say it anyway....What beautiful pictures!! I would have been a bit leary venturing behind the waterfall, too, but you have some great shots there you wouldn't have otherwise. Wow!

Intense Guy said...

Lovely pictures! I'm glad Windows Live Writer has liberated them all!


I particularly like the 3d picture with the stream flowing through the lush green growth.

MarmiteToasty said...

beautiful...... a pineapple tree? wtf..


Betty said...

Great photos! I'd have gotten drenched and ruined my camera if I tried to get behind a waterfall.

The Springfield weatherman promises a dry week, with lots of sunshine. Let's hope.

Toriz said...

WTG you for going up the path to take the photo. :)

And, I hope you get some lovely sunshine soon.

Deanna said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I'll have to admit that Iggy is right, Window's Live Writer made this post so much easier than it would otherwise have been.
Yep those are pineapple's you see growing there. I don't think a person would ever go hungry in a rainforest between the vegetation, berries, and fruit bearing trees.

The Wife O Riley said...

Man, those pictures are gorgeous! I need to go on vacation!

sexy41 said...

Those are fantastic pictures. I was amazed I didn't know pineapples grew on a bush, thought a tree. Thank you for sharing.

Lainie said...

Such gorgeous pictures! I love each and every one of them. The waterfall though...too awesome!!

(I've been reading your blog trying to catch haven't commented on every one but had to stop here and say...Great job!)