Monday, October 19, 2009

Then and Now

  We headed out yesterday in the hopes of seeing some of the golden Fall foliage that we all love so much.  Since we are in the middle of rolling hills, Ozark mountains, and historic little towns, it doesn’t much matter which direction we go.  So we just started driving fairly aimlessly, with no clear destination in mind.  The eye popping color we usually see just aren’t doing their thing this year so far.  Maybe next week.


As we cruised the back roads, we happened onto a sign pointing us to a beautiful spot in the road.  Painted Rock Conservation Area.  The area is 1,490 acres of preserved land.  There are hiking trails, wildlife, and scenic overlooks over the beautiful Osage River.

We immediately thought back to not all that many years ago, when we first visited Painted Rock.


It was in the Spring of 1992.  We enjoyed the day as Tessa, Julie and Greg walked in front of us along the path.

013The path looked much different today.  Not just because it is Fall, but because our children are no longer with us on these little outings.  They are grown, with families of their own.  That’s a good thing, though.  Oh yea, I miss the daily commotion sometimes.  I miss the daily hugs, too.  But time moves on and things change.  I’ve always tried to embrace change.  In the long run it can be a very good thing.


I also remember that Tessa was not happy to have to be with us on this particular day.  She wanted to be with friends and definitely not on an outing with her boring family.  At one point, the kids were flinging rocks over the bluffs and out of the blue, a rock hit Julie in the back of the head with a sickening thud.  My immediate thought was that Tessa had hit her in the head on purpose and I flew into a rage, screaming like a banshee and calling Tessa a name that to this day I am ashamed to repeat.  It is amazing the memories that come flooding back when returning to a place of the past. 


After a few tears (I think I was the only one who cried) and apologies (I was the only one who had anything to apologize for), we continued our hiking and site seeing and had a wonderful day.  It is one of those memories that will stay with me forever.  I’m pretty sure it is one that will stay with my entire family forever.  It is things like this that makes us who we are today. 


And who are we today?  We are a happy couple who have been together 41 years; married 37 of those years.  We are still parents, but our roles have changed dramatically.  And we are grandparents of 10 wonderful grandchildren.  But that isn’t what defines us.  We are each very unique individuals, who if we didn’t have each other, would still have a very full life.  Just like we continued to have a full life after our children left home.  Life is a ever changing, and it is up to us to make the best of it with what we have.   


This post turned out very different than I had planned.  Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own, and this is one of those times.

I was going to post about Painted Rock Conservation Area.  That post and the pictures will just have to wait their turn.


junyah said...

what i want to know is , was there any partridge and deer around ?? i not going to ditch my blog any time soon, im just going to be useing facebook more is all. To dammed many sites to have to look though everyday.Hugs Hun.. JR

betty said...

We probably need a good cold snap to make the color pop out. Maybe in the next week....

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh... yep, my posts do lots of turns too and somehow never say quite the way they played out in my head.

This was a lovely post!


Jan Holt said...

This is exactly the post I wanted to read today. Thanks for sharing such an intimate memory with us.



junyah said...

The leaf peeping here is about over, colors are going to be brown soon bare limbs is all one will be seeing..

Karla said...

why is it that this post makes me melencholy? maybe it's because it brings back so many memories when I was a child and then when my boys were small....

Sherri Murphy said...

Beautiful memory- thanks for allowing us to share it with you. ANd I LOVE PHOTOS- from then AND now!

Anonymous said...

I loved the pic of you and your hubby Punkn, and I miss my daughter being around the house also and definitely had my share of flying into rages lol and I agree how it is something how memories just come back to us, and how being who we are back then makes us who we are today HUGS

AliceKay said...

Wonderful memories and pictures to match.

Leah said...

Such gorgeous pictures. And I love the vivid memories you had while in a place you had been before with the entire family. I felt like I was right there with you.

Funny in My Mind said...

Where is that place? I guess i could look it up, duh. What a wonderful photo of the 2 of you (and great family memories) Have you ever been to HaHa Tonka by Lake of the ozarks?

Nana said...

That was a great post. We all have the family memories that maybe didn't turn out so good at the time but, later we can laugh. Sometimes.

Toriz said...

Wonderful post.

Sometimes the best posts are the ones that just seem to flow from your fingertips of their own accord.

PictureGirl said...

Husband and I are like you'ns, kids grown and gone from home. We only have 1 grandchild though. I wish we had 10. Lucky you! Great fun when you get together no doubt.

Thanks for sharing the good memories.

jewelzmomof4 said...

mom I read you post backwards lol. I am sitting here crying looking at those pictures. I LOVE my life that I have today but I love to look back and remember the days of our past. I do remember that day and the ROCK!!! and what was said immidiatly after lol. I know we all laugh about it today so I think all is good in that area. Love You ALL SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!

LadyStyx said...

Sometimes the best posts are like that. They start out with a certain destination in mind and then end up somewhere else entirely.

Sherri Murphy said...

Deanna- I was just getting ready to post the Saturday photo for this week and remembered I had not mailed your silly gift- can't find the address in my email. Would you mind sending it again? I am so sorry.

Intense Guy said...

Blogs can be much like the life that they record, recall, or recount... Life takes its own course no matter how much we think we are in countrol of our destiny and it takes us where it goes...

The best journeys are ... the journey itself - and even if the "rock" and its aftermath weren't a place you wanted to go or ever be... you ended up there - twice now... once in life and once in a blog entry... Something in that experience has left a great big mark on you and your family Punkn. It showed how much you cared about your children and how much them being hurt, hurt you.

And it makes us that are fortunate to look on and read what you say and share your life... share in that love too.


Queenie Jeannie said...

You have a really great attitude towards life! Thank you for sharing it!!!!